Posts by recordari
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Jo Nicholls-Parker "Perky" bob!
Best ironic use of 'perky' of all time. Just sayin'.
"One-armed man"
Ah, Teh Herald.
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Yepindeedy, it's a religion. No point trying to deny it any longer. Can we agree on a black attire for the Apple Brethren, along the lines of Professor Snape?
I like capes. And pants. Stovepipes of course. Literally.
By far the coolest vehicle in all of speculative fiction.
Yes, that's true, but when what you need is a sonic screwdriver, a plain old flat-head is of no particular use.
On that note, is there a 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' iPad app? There should be.
ETA: I chickened out on buying one last week. Too many distractions at the moment, without adding another.
All bound for mu mu land, the Lost Continent, in the Ocean of dreams.
Apple users are all Timelords, both justified and ancient. Did you not know that?
It won't fit in my coat. The iPad I mean.
Gawd, we're on a slope now...
Oh, was going to say Tweetdeck, but thought it was an iPhone thing. Worked on my iPhone pretty well, FWIW.
Damn "gypsy" music! Expel them immediately!
Oh sorry, forgot, my name's not Sarkozy.
Is that Sarkasm? Maybe a Sark chasm.
(PS. I actually love that music)
Good fun. If it was half the price...
Which may well overcome my bravado before handing over the card. There really is just a bucket load of residual guilt hanging over this purchase. But apparently this may explain it.
It's just a matter of faith.
Screw it, I'm getting one on the way home. A whole week!! I feel like a saint...