Posts by recordari
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ETA: That animation is disturbing after a while. Fish lips are somewhat distracting. Just listen to it maybe?
If I mention the term "ex-gay" I will expect, and accept, any quantity of desks hitting my head. Throw them on down. You probably won't reach my total when I found a whole Australasian website dedicated to it.
No linkage, it's too close to lunch.
ETA: Mr Judd. The residents of Chełm may resemble this argument.
(No offence meant of course, in case in any Chełm-ians are watching) -
"Gang member".
From the same school of correl singers, banging nang patches has reduced the number of new "gang members" in WHanganui.
Must be time for some more pants.
"Chips, cheese, curry makes you feel brand new".
Straight to T-Shirt please. Now!
During the week I heard Riki Gooch, aka Eru Dangerspiel talking on bFM about the release of the live CD/DVD Great News For The Modern Man: Live At the Auckland Town Hall. October concerts coming also, which I will be trying to get tickets to before they sell out.
The Phoenix album is on high rotate in our house, and gets better with age.
Hey Steven, until you make your next post, your post number matches the year you joined.
Is this it?
We were all warned this week about burglars trolling Facebook and Twitter for easy marks. I kind of have this vision of someone compiling an inventory of PAS IT toys for later use.
FWIW: We sold everything. I am now typing this on my ZX81.
Funny, I was going to say 'thank goodness he didn't buy an air rifle'.
ETA: That's 'dilemma' with two ems, but you knew that.