Posts by Che Tibby

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  • Hard News: TVNZ: The Sub's Pencil Strikes,

    i'm with andrew on this one.

    but... part of me thinks there are still many km sq. in the burbs where people continue to passively consume pushTV.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    hadyn just emailed me this link.

    it's to a mysterious preview that screened before some sessions of transformers, and it's causing quite a stir on the web.

    i saw the preview. and kid-che says it's FREAKING AWESOME.

    synopsis. bunch of people at a party. the lights go out. everyone goes up to the apartment roof with video cameras/phones etc. huge fireball lands in new york city. then something HUGE roars and punches the head off lady liberty, and it lands in the street. everyone RUNS LIKE FCK.

    seemed to be entirely filmed on hand-helds. which makes it like a cross between "grown-up transformers" and "the blair-witch project".

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    as expected, wedging on aboriginal people is a no-go.

    the road to surfdom is reporting howard focusing on other easy targets.

    muslims and welfare.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,

    if it's any indication. i'm thinking about seeing it again.

    despite the fact that it's mostly rubbish.

    rubbish with giant fighting robots, and humans who don't know their bum from a hole in the ground.

    question! optimus prime has a kick-arse laser sword to kill one deceptikon. then doesn't use it on megatron.


    a female autobot would have figured that shit out real early in the piece.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    The thing I remember most ...

    gervais mate... i would think memory loss would have cut in years ago.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    back to school for me.

    don't listen to the radicals...

    but seriously. someone argued at webstock that non-standard html like the ones used here act to dumb-down web-users.

    but nvm. please carry on.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Don't Panic,

    But universities have long been fertile soil for radicalism. The lunatic ideas of Baader-Meinhoff and the Red Brigades were nurtured in the halls of learning.

    indeed. it's become trite to point out that pol pot, the butcher of cambodia, studied in paris under jean-paul sartre. from wikipedia

    Historian Philip Short has said that Pol Pot's poor academic record was a considerable advantage within the anti-intellectual [french communist party] and helped him to quickly establish a leadership role for himself among the Cercle Marxiste.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Speaker: Transformers: Less than meets…,


    but i wasn't expecting anything more.

    plot holes the size of optimus-prime! but such great action.

    although... making bumblee a camaro seriously pissed off 8-year-old me... beetle damnit!

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not such as to engender confidence,

    nah, graeme's right. the "got the vote in 67" meme is a myth.

    all that happened was that the feds were able to legislate about aboriginal people. prior to that the states handled aboriginal affairs themselves.

    almost all of the injustices again aboriginal people were conducted by state agencies, not federal ones. they used to have conferences and share methods for assimilating them, for example.

    so, the children removal/protection activity that only stopped in the 1970s(?) was actually devised by victoria in the 1880s. it took a few decades to spread to other states like western australia/queensland.

    the "lefty-liberal" filmsy response that our rwdb friends like to bitch about started when the federal government was able to moderate the extreme policies of the states.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

  • Cracker: Psst... buddy... got any BZP?,

    If every BZP victim that turns up in the A&E of hospitals around the country each weekend

    and there must be heaps of them. if one fronts at the wellington a&e with heart palpitations the very first thing they do is ask about party pills.

    burns are another matter.

    imho it's not such a hassle they're banning these. maybe the little fckers running around outside my apartment screaming at 3am will be at home smoking weed and playing playstation instead.

    the back of an envelope • Since Nov 2006 • 2042 posts Report

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