Posts by Petra

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  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    It seems to me that it's different in many ways. Their parties don't seem to have an active grass roots that form distinct party policies. They seem to operate more on a lobby system 'I am your senator and, to you who lobbied hardest and most expensively, I will remove the tax on fairy dust.' Or am I being unfair?

    Sounds about right to me. But they also add, "and we'll get Rush, Hannity, Coulter, Malkin, Beck et al, on board with the right rage to sell it to the public.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    People don't want reality getting in the way of their anger.

    I watched a pop-science documentary quite some time ago about how powerful and addictive anger is. It's effect on the body is like a drug, with regular 'users' hooked on the adrenalin rush like crack hos.

    Fox News and talk radio figured it out first, and years ago became the crack pipe of the angry Right. They realized early on that there's no money in real journalism any more but they could get rich feeding our insatiable need...

    When was the last time you saw a guest on a cable station advocate a nuanced, pluralistic position and acknowledge the partial truth of opinions of the other side? My friends who used to appear frequently on these programs now say they can't get on the air unless they promise to be rabidly partisan.


    Wish I could find a link to the doco, but I can't remember it's name. and generic searches don't reveal much. Though pages relating to anger management and "rageaholism" touch on the addictive nature of rage/anger.

    It's bloody shameful that it's so exploited by media pundits. They scream patriotism, but they're ripping apart the very heart of their nation. Sick.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    That's the one, Sacha!

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    virtually neglected the digital realm altogether

    Which is a bloody stupid area to neglect, imo. Combined internet and television is just a stones throw away of being in shops. Which is why I have held off investing in a new tv to replace my very old dodgy one. I'm holding out for the new, fully internet enabled and integrated, system. It's not too far off now, and it's one wave that we could really ride all the way to the bank. No need for expensive shipping of that export to foreign lands - just upload it through good broadband.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    3410, I'm a huge fan of Nilsson. He moves so easily from jaw-droppingly gorgeous, to gut-bustingly hilarious. Randy Newman, too. Great songwriters - far too underrated.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Jacqui, thanks for the reply. I did note, at 3 News website, the closure of special schools and integrating special kids needs into mainstream classes.

    I think it could work for some - my daughter has a pair of Down Syndrome twins at her school, one of which she is "buddy" to at school sports events. It was lovely to see her chatting with them at the supermarket yesterday.

    But for others it would be an absolute disaster. Teaching special needs takes special training, and many teachers just won't have that training. It's not fair on the special needs children, not fair on the teacher, and not fair on the class as a whole. It actually reminds me of the move to close mental health facilities, citing that touchy feely phrase "community care". Now, of course, our prisons just house them. Very sad.

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Oh, good. Best of luck to them!

    What can the 'average Jane/Joe' do to help?

    And re the Sanity Rally: here's a bitter blog post for you to merrily (and moderately) point and laugh at -

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Just wondering...and Jacqui, you might are the teacher's doing? Have they abandoned all hope, lost in the noise; or are they still negotiating?

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: Revival,

    Geoff, did you ever go to any "Mantis" parties in Hamilton, back in the day?

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

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