Posts by Petra

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  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I'd like to Jackson to tackle the real classics, like Hunter S Thompson's books. Not Fear and Loathing in LA, of course - it's been done, and very well. But The Great White Shark Hunt, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail, and Hell's Angels would be good Jackson fodder, allowing him to get back to his wackier roots.

    Who's with me?


    No one? Awww :(

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Simon! Thanks for stopping by and giving reassurance. Very pleased that you and yours are okay - and I hope that you will continue to be. Best wishes to the good lady wife - may she stay safe and well.


    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Point taken, Jacqui. :)

    Which is why I almost always say "I think" rather than "it is". I know how completely wrong I can be - I have the history to prove it! lol

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Hi, Jan. Seems like others have responded, so I won't post redundantly.

    And I'm enjoying a busy day after a woefully quiet week. Yay!

    Also, hopelessly off-topic, but does anyone know if Simon Grigg is ok? I know he's in Indonesia, and he hasn't posted anything to his blog since Tuesday (and I don't know whether that's a NZ time stamp or an Indonesian one).

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Hey, Jacqui - I was talking more about industry insiders' post - like Simon Bennett, for example - and also the statement by Jed Brophy that was posted a few days ago.

    I would have thought that concerns raised in that statement might carry some weight in the media's attempt to uncover the truth*, or at least to look at an alternative point of view.

    *which is what they should be doing, imo

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    *sigh* Yeah, that was an epic masterclass in media slut-shaming wasn't it?

    Yup, and I guess they figured that with me being a cop's kid and yet siding with Nichols that I might feed them with juicy tidbits. What they wrote made it look like I was against Nichols - I wasn't. Never ever trusted a damn thing they've ever written since. Filthy rag.

    And that begs the question - if they watch Russell's blog and read the comments from people "in the know", why do they still continue to lie and spin wrt this [Hobbit] story?

    Lying liars are liars.
    "When lies abound, telling the truth is an act of revolution".

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I personally am not particularly proud of his recent behaviour

    I might not be "proud" of his behaviour wrt this, but I can understand that he would be hurt, angry, and spitting tacks.

    The guy has a rep for being a fairly magnanimous employer and does a lot for the NZ film industry across the board. The way he was targeted and made to look like he was just a cold, money grubbing slave driver who couldn't give a shit about his employees - especially when another production in NZ has a rep for being exactly what NZAE was supposedly railing against, yet NOT targeted, would really stick in his craw - I know it would stick in mine!

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    As for The Herald, I stopped reading that rag when they hounded me over a comment I made here back when I first signed up. Which is why I removed my email link, and stopped posting. They then had the gall to try and fish me out of my silence by publishing something I didn't say with a slant that they knew I didn't agree with. Fortunately, I took my father's advice (first time ever!) and didn't respond to correct them. I also had to put my phone number on "super secret" 'cos I was getting anonymous threatening calls. It was quite scary!

    ('twas all over Louise Nichols and 1980's police culture in Rotorua - I'm a cop's kid).

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I've just had an email that includes the phrase "your treachery will not be forgotten".

    Russell: for every person who sends a shitty email, there are 10 more who don't send emails, but who think that your POV is fair and balanced (and not in a Fox News kinda way), and salute you.

    Don't let the twatcocks get you down. :)

    People are kinda stupid sometimes.

    Tell us something we don't know! :p

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    I first heard of her from the 1 Giant Leap project. I love her voice.

    And time for me to crash, too. G'night. :)

    Rotorua • Since Mar 2007 • 317 posts Report

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