Posts by Sam F
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Easy to picture a guy like that printing out death threats on sheets of fridge-magnet media
I imagine him swimming furiously along and pinning them to fleeing sharks. Although they'd probably leave him alone if he just quit skitching off them.
Hard News: I'm not a "f***ing cyclist".…, in reply to
I hardly think public opinion concerning people on bikes is going to improve if they get into the habit of throwing things at cars, magnetic or not.
It won't be immediately obvious to a driver who's just heard something go thunk onto their car that it's a non-damaging and innocuously worded magnet. If they didn't realise that they nearly hit the magnet-thrower earlier, they'll just be surprised and pissed off - and if they did nearly hit the magnet-thrower through malice they may have just gotten all the excuse they think they need to have another go.
Speaker: It's called "planning" for a reason, in reply to
Apologies, comrade – I’ve de-edited.
Truth be told, I’ve long thought the idea of a Central Post Office was suspect too – such a big lavish building just for townie snobs to post their letters.
Speaker: It's called "planning" for a reason, in reply to
I suppose we could simply not build any underground stations, making the CBD loop a pure throughpoint facility for regional rail – like an underground Spaghetti Junction.
Then the benefits for the wider region won’t be morally sullied by bourgeois Queen Street types zipping around downtown and flashing their big city money at the clippies.
I, for one, welcome the opening of this new surreal branch line of the Auckland rail debate.
Hard News: Moving targets, in reply to
I had assumed Chris had done that deliberately.
Oh, I wasn't referring to Chris' fullstop comment when I said 'please delete' - rather my own which I realised was a superfluous goof not long after posting ... sorry for the confusion Chris!
Hard News: Moving targets, in reply to
(whoops - admin please delete)
Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics, in reply to
Amy used to be Agnes-Mary...her children's books are remarkably unpopular with young readers-
Yup, I remember reading her cranky views on literature discussed on PAS before.
Hard News: Spinning and soldiering, in reply to
Inevitable that this thread would be reduced to the "who's up who & which one is paying the rent?" tenor of every thread. After all why waste time on something boring like whether or not we should know if the peeps on the other side of the world who are being stood over courtesy of kiwi taxpayers, like it, want it or see it the same way we do?
Not when there are z list has beens and wanna be's to push our sticky-beaks into....What?
Not trying to be deliberately obtuse. I just honestly don't see where you're getting this from.
Hard News: Spinning and soldiering, in reply to
I just can't get my head around how this is not a curtailment of basic human rights.
Of course it is.... but so is putting someone in prison.
Agreed, and I can understand the thinking too - but one reason why I violently disagree with this thing is that it's a curtailment of human rights with little or no passable justification for that curtailment. Are people less likely to commit crimes knowing they won't be able to tick a couple of boxes every few years if they do get nicked? Has there been some previous rash of crooked politicians riding into Parliament on the convicted felon vote that we now need to put a stop to? If the answer to both questions is no, why the hell implement this policy in the first place?
Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics, in reply to
an increasingly socialist-minded New Zealand
In the words of Dan Sloan, commenting on this story via Facebook:
I look forward to living in a world with interest on student loans, 20% GST, means-tested retirement and where house prices escalate to preserve current returns after a CGT has been deducted. Oh wait, no I don't. Too bad anyone born after 1980, we're baby-boomer collateral damage.