Posts by Sam F
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Hard News: Spinning and soldiering, in reply to
Sam, have you seen the related film doco ('Restrepo')?
Nope - although I'm very keen to do so. Is it officially available in NZ in any form yet?
Wow, so Media 7 is going all Sally-Jessy? If there's going to be biffo I might actually show up for a recording!
If only they'd resumed hostilities while we were applauding for the credits - cameras were well off by that time.
I ended up chuckling a couple of times at the stuff Garth said, but I genuinely felt bad for it. It's more sad than anything that he remains arguably the highest-profile Herald columnist despite having had so little to say for so long. I don't think he's really up to mounting any kind of reasoned defence of his work, at least not from what I saw last night.
Hard News: Spinning and soldiering, in reply to
The transition from Garth and Jon in mortal combat to Sarah Daniell discussing bad literary sex with Emily Perkins was particularly pleasing.
After which the combat promptly resumed on the steps of the set. There was some vigorous gesticulating and after I heard the word 'credibility' a couple of times I decided to make for cover.
An excellent show - I would have liked to hear a little more from Paul Buchanan on embedded journalists; that was fascinating stuff. I was put in mind of Sebastian Junger's latest book on his experiences with a US unit in Afghanistan, which gives a great insight into the psychological effects of being embedded in a combat unit (thus depending on and to some degree identifying with the soldiers protecting you).
OnPoint: Pay Attention, in reply to
Certainly I didn't have any problems getting on here from China in late 2006/2007 (not 100% sure but I think I registered for PAS from there).
Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics, in reply to
I’m not allowed to place them online for you all to look at
Says who? The senders? I thought this was supposed to be the liberty-loving "archaeology wants to be free" crowd that always gets into dark mutterings about the establishment burying the truth. Without being overly conspiratorial (zing!), what are they hiding? Eh?
Hard News: Love you too, man, in reply to
I wish ‘classic’ stations weren’t so depressing and repetitive. There’s such a goldmine of incredible things they *could* be playing.
Now, I may possibly be alone in this - but if we could somehow stir together the best bits (there’s usually plenty of them) of RNZ’s Wayne’s Music and Saturday Night Requests shows, and run it all 24 hours on actual stereo FM… well.
They no longer play any '50s to speak of, and play not much '60s gear either.
I think Hauraki still plays a Hendrix song most days and that's pretty much it for the '60s stuff as far as I can tell.
Jeez Brown is desperate quoting Friedman, globalism's compliant whore.
Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to
a different grocery shop where the food hall is (Pak 'n' Save? With a big cow at the back)
It was a Big Fresh. Can't remember whether the St Lukes store had the Big Fresh trademark creepy animatronic fruits and vegetables, though.
I'm not 100% sure on timing but definitely the major renovations (adding the north section and Village Cinemas, now Event) would have been complete by about 2004. Others may know more precisely.
Random Play: Alt.Republic: The rolling mall, in reply to
Did they have cake? Cause then I almost certainly went there, but seriously, cannot remember it.
Oh yes, there was cake and other classic teashop sweet things up there. I think from memory we took the elevator from Farmers up past the family photographers’ studio and there it was.