Posts by Danielle
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Coincidentally, A Dog's Show is still one of my favourite programmes.
Tom, dude, you don't get to call anyone else arrogant: I'm one of the people with vaginas you might as well be ordering to 'get in behind'. You'll forgive me if I find your dismissing my concerns as worn-out 'identity politics' just a tad... really fucking annoying.
(Sorry for 'sucking all the joy out of the discussion' with my pesky gender politics, Danyl.)
the identity politics vein is now largely mined out
'Hey ladies, homos, and brown folk: could you stop pestering us *normal people* with all your weird little *needs* and whatnot? It's tiresome.'
visits to the barber are usually a fairly agonising experience
Even we chit-chatters have issues with this stuff, though: I hate the whole hairdresser experience so much that I have cut and dyed my own hair for several years.
That TV show you watched last night? Talk to someone else.
The latest Hollywood celebrity shenanigans? Talk to someone else.You cut me to the quick! ;)
There is something hilariously incongruous about that being a response to quoting the theme song from The Monkees. I love the world.
The Gorillaz line up does look pretty incredible though, don't you think?
Shut up. I think we're going to be out of the country at the time.
Does the phrase "Here we come / Walking down the street" mean nothing to you people?!
Hey, I'm too busy singing to put anybody down.
I like people... except the ones who like Gorillaz.
Goddammit, 3410, I thought we had something special.
I'll join the chorus and say 'She Bop' really *is* about wanking. 'They say I'd better stop or I'll go blind'. When was the last time someone told you that about dancing?
(I wonder if my good memory for phone numbers and small details gave me that 15...)
dancing was a metaphor for sex there
And 'She Bop' is about wanking, right? Those 80s popsters! So risque!
(Very pro-dancing over here. You could probably guess that.)