Posts by Danielle
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ordinary people seem to be able grasp Facebook
Russell: Facebook :: Giovanni: Apple products
I know this sort of thing is supposed to break down barriers and encourage fresh ideas and stuff. It just makes me hate my life, is all.
Even reading the words 'organised expressive roleplay' sends a cold shiver down my spine.
I scored a 15 on that test. I am surprised it wasn't lower, but I think my essential wishy-washiness means I had way too many 'slightly dis/agree' answers.
On here also.
At least here you (the generic you, not you personally) have the option of not hitting 'Post Reply'. (Not that I take that option very much. Zoink.) In meatspace, you're stuck with whatever ridiculous thing you just said and have to try for a quick recovery. Which can then lead to the dreaded Extrovert Babbling Spiral! And then it all goes wildly out of control and someone loses an eye. It's very fraught, this conversational lark.
Here I am on the bloody top again.
That's what she said.
But being a talker doesn't necessarily mean you feel socially, erm, ept (is that a word?). I'm an inveterate chit-chatter, but after any social gathering I tend to find myself thinking 'christ, what a mad, squat little dork I am'.
Well, people seem to do the flouncing flameout exactly the same way whether they're fit or sedentary. That's what I love about the internet: it's such a great leveller.
I will note in passing that in some parts of the Italian northeast you say "I'm in the process of purchasing a baby" to mean "I'm pregnant"
Hey, hang on... where are you originally from?
(Yuk yuk, etc.)
"we" might be over-reacting to Peter Ashby's comments
I think "we" are just a bit over being bitched at about how much "we" suck in every conceivably relevant thread.
Jack was a common contraction of John
Speaking of that, my grandfather's actual name is Christopher John. (Nicknames also seemed to be a big feature of that generation.)
Before this morning, I had a very nice forehead. Now I've ruined it with all this desk-pounding.
My grandfather is called Jack too! What's up with that?
yo yo yo, I say, good sir!
This has made me giggle on and off for several hours.