Posts by Gareth Ward

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  • Hard News: Being Worked,

    Cue nerdy discussion about whether saying something on your twitter feed is actually an internet publication ...

    Is it a ban on any internet publication? I ask because the news story only said he banned "news websites".
    Ahhh, I see that's now been updated to "online media" which presumedly covers any form of publication on the net. That's a different kettle of fish to only blocking news websites...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The Home Straight,

    I cringed so hard I needed medical attention.

    Oh. My. God.
    Hadn't even heard about that interview, sweet jeebus.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Being Worked,

    Is the assumption that web content is more easily accessible and therefore in need of more stringent restriction? I am a little confused as to the desired outcome here...

    As am I - I love to be Mr Devils Advocate over here, but for the life of me can't find a logically-consistent basis to argue his point from at the moment!
    He's publishing - so doesn't want the info held back
    He's allowing news outlets to publish - just not via their online sites
    He's allowing other, much less reputable, web media to publish.


    Would be interesting to see more of the info behind this call

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Stories: The Internet,

    I completely forget the first time I stumbled across the intertubes (wouldn't even know what year, possibly 1998 or so?).
    I have no idea what HTML/Java/Silverlight is (although am regularly astounded by the beauty my brother can conjur with the technical pixies).
    RSS STILL confuses me (I signed in to Google's Reader thinking "pffft, it's Google, must be easy". Looked around for about 90 seconds then backed slowly out of the room rather wide-eyed).

    So I will instead recount a couple of excellent Telecom-ad-in-real-life-showing-the-wonder-of-the-internet-through-empowering-children stories.
    My nephew, whom I gave a 5minute introduction to the internet when he was 3 years old had, within a matter of days, worked out how to click through the banner ads on (or similar) to ToysRus. And then managed to find the Bob the Builder workbench he had his eye on. And "add it to his cart". And get to the credit card page. At which point he asked my wife if he could borrow her credit card and when she kindly wriggled out of that, proceeded to write a series of numbers on a PostIt Note and proclaim it was "OK because I've got my own".

    And that of a loving Grandmother here in NZ that communicates primarily with her London-based 18-month-old Granddaughter via the wonders of Skype. Lily* believes that Granny lives inside the stylish little box on Mums lap and has a tendency to yell BYE GRANNY and slam the laptop lid shut in the middle of a conversation - I really think Fisher Price are missing an opportunity somewhere here.

    Moral of the story? They both use Macs so OSX is clearly superior =P

    *Names changed to protect the cute and adorable

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    right to freedom of movement on "the Queen's Highway"

    What sort of damage did those tracked tanks do to said Queens Highway? I would have thought those things would have a pretty serious maintenance impact...

    And yes, I briefly paused to consider the interesting fact that a parade of topless women on Queen St engenders more thought from me on morality-through-voted-representation, commercial-event association and asphalt maintenance as opposed to said topless women...
    Desensitised? Perhaps, but in a positive way I hope!

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Makes them sound like a Yakuza version of the Huxtables though.

    But good lord, wouldn't RZA's soundtrack for THAT movie be magnificent...

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Annoying as it is, it shouldn't surprise anyone that politicians often put... well, politics over good judgement.

    Indeed, hence the subsequent sentence...

    To be fair, Gareth, I think you couldn't throw a brick without hitting a local government employee who will bitch for gold (off the record, naturally) about carefully considered advice being ignored by elected councillors who are barely competent to organise a gang bang at a sex addicts convention

    I would really quite enjoy that conversation... =)

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Gosh the council really stuffed up

    You have to question who is possibly giving them legal advice? At which point you also have to question whether they knew full well the whole thing would fall over and it was just a campaigning ploy to the conservative masses?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    Interested in the case law stuff on this - for example in this story, the judge decied there was no offensiveness as part of protest, but that to remain topless after the fact "downtown in Queen Street amongst families who were going about their business and were no part of any protest... would be regarded as offensive by a "resilient, reasonable person".

    Has case law since moved on, or has this whole thing been couched in (very flimsy) protest terms?

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

  • Hard News: Rain on his parade,

    I still don't understand why a commercial venture can close a public road -- I thought parades were community events? Really, I'm confused ... Would McDonalds be allowed to run a Burgers with Boots parade?

    Indeed. As I've said elsewhere, I am outraged by this parade - because Renkon is on the other side of Queen St from work and I wants me some Japanese for lunch.

    Auckland, NZ • Since Mar 2007 • 1727 posts Report

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