Posts by Danielle

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  • Up Front: Boobs!,

    It’s boobquake every day at my house

    I wanted to say this very thing at about three o’clock this morning! But typing a PAS post on an iPhone is quite labour-intensive, particularly while balancing a baby on your lap. (Merely thinking the words ‘every day is boobquake day’ makes me start mentally singing them to the tune of Morrissey’s ‘Everyday is Like Sunday’. Which is… incongruous.)

    I am also thrilled and flattered that ‘Animalistic Penis Brains’ has been enshrined in an Emma post! Yay.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    If anyone can even start to explain the appeal, I’d be most grateful.

    Oh my god, I fucking LOVE it. It is *endlessly* quotable and totally fascinating. Here’s the thing: a long time ago, The Real World became this series of manipulated trope characters (the gay one! the small town girl! the anti-gay one! the ‘angry’ black dude!), while Jersey Shore is like this glorious, untouched anthropological experiment, where you get to see a subculture in its (sort of) natural environment. (I imagine that, like The Osbournes, the magic will only last for one season, because once the subjects become self-conscious celebrities, the whole joy of it is gone.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Hard News: We invented everything,

    we were rather winningly crap at it

    In our household we have theorised that everyone on NZ reality shows is too pleasant and well-adjusted to really give us the goods, nutbar-wise. All the judges on New Zealand’s Next Top Model, for example, were so *logical* and *supportive* of the models – none of that crazed self-obsessed inconsistency that’s so prevalent on America’s Next Top Model (and we don’t have the Pure Unadulterated Evil that is Tyra, of course). I think this was really brought home to me a few weeks ago when watching Masterchef, and four members of a team were each asked which member of their team should go home – a prime under-the-bus-throwing opportunity! – and *every single one* of the cheftestants said ‘oh, I should. I was the weakest performer’. I mean, it was *nice*, and I felt very tender towards them all for being so self-deprecating, and I would love it in real life, but it doesn’t make for much televisual drama, does it?

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Busytown: All in the game,

    Two rival women writers, say, and a bereaved husband ripe for the wooing – a gender flip

    That sounds awfully… feminist. (And we all know how Stead feels about feminists, because they’re in nearly every one of his books, peskily demanding things at universities. No, I don’t find his obvious grudge distracting at all, why do you ask?)

    I also have a feeling Rowling’s article would be a case of TL;DR for Paula Bennett, sadly.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Cracker: About a Boy,

    being called an egg rang pretty true

    We did that on the dreaded Shore, too. What was up with the ‘egg’ thing in the 80s, I wonder?

    (I love Kitchen Sink. Yay.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Cracker: About a Boy,

    I totally get why some might find it (like Eagle vs, Shark) too self-consciously quirky and awkward to get with

    Oh bugger. I was hoping for an improvement on that score.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • OnPoint: Iraq, from the air,

    Ra-Ra Rasputin

    ‘There was a cat that really was gone’: the greatest ever historical analysis of anything in pop lyric form.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    life bubbles until late around shops, cafes and the streets

    But… my house is so much more comfortable, and I can choose who I invite over. And I’m in charge of the music.

    (This post has been brought to you by I Am Fucking Old and Pathetic, Incorporated.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Hard News: The best kind of villain…,

    I can tell by your eyes that you’ve probably been crying forever.

    I truly think that his original version of that song (from Atlantic Crossings?) is heartbreakingly beautiful. Haters gonna hate, and all that.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

  • Cracker: Hot Cross Words,

    a quaint throwback to times when we didn’t have electric light

    Quite a few people in the labour movement fought very hard, and some of them died, for the quaintness of regulated working hours. It’s not like I don’t see the necessity of some things in society being accessible at all times, but it seems a peculiarly privileged way of looking at things to assume that everyone doing shiftwork or beavering away on a public holiday has the same sorts of “choices” as you or I do. Once we make our (actual) choice, some other, less powerful worker is stuck with our precedent and that person ends up with fewer options. That’s why we have things like penal rates and public holidays, and why I’m particularly reluctant to see them eroded.

    Also, I hate 3am feeds with all my soul, and I’ve only been doing them for three weeks. :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts

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