Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    I see that National have found someone to replace Worth, hopefully this time around someone will explain to the new guy what being "Minister of Internal Affairs" actually means.

    And Richard Griffin has again been allowed to go on the radio and declare nothing-to-see-here-there-is-no-chance-of-criminal-charges-and-it's-all-Phil-Goff's-fault-anyway on his mate's behalf.

    Jim Mora was his usual forthright self in response ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    totally offplot, but anyone watching the tweets coming out of iran...?

    I am now, via @tzemingdynasty

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    This just in:

    There is now an official how-is-Chris-Knox blog, which is a great way of keeping all his many friends in touch.

    First update:

    15th June 2009
    Media statement from Ward-Knox family
    Re: Chris Knox

    “We have been overwhelmed by the level of support for Chris from around the world since his stroke. We’d like to express our thanks to everyone who has helped or wished us well in the last few days.

    “Like many other families who are currently experiencing a similar change to their lives we are learning a great deal about strokes and their long-term effects. We have learned that it is too early to predict the ramifications of a stroke with any degree of accuracy. However, positive anecdotes have been flooding in which fill us all with hope.

    “Chris is not in pain and is responsive to family and friends who are very optimistic and focused on Chris’s well being. He enjoyed his vegetable frittata this morning but I suffered the classic Knox withering look when I mentioned beer.

    “As the situation becomes clearer to us we will happily inform those who wish to know.

    “We have created a site at for this purpose. We aim to keep this site as current as possible.”

    Family contact - Roy Martyn

    You can also go there and leave a well-wishing message.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Excusez-moi?,

    What laws were they playing under on Saturday? I got the impression the All Blacks didn't adjust to playing a Northern Hemisphere team familiar with the tactics required by their set of rules.

    What rules? Who knows? One of the myriad combinations currently in use, but not the set used in the Super 14 for sure.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Excusez-moi?,

    Tracey Nelson's game stats are up.

    They suggest lots of work from Thorn and Mealamu.

    But why was Woodcock carting the ball up so much and Isaac Ross so little? I want my front-rowers hitting the rucks, not standing at first receiver.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    DomPost does another Knox story. I wish they'd bother asking someone what is normal progress at this early stage to give some context.

    As I said, it's not my place to talk about Chris's condition, but I can give some context. A friend of mine had a severe stroke eight months ago.

    At the stage Chris is at, he was paralysed down one side of his body and could not speak. Two weeks ago, he came out and had a few beers at a Media7 recording -- his first night out. That doesn't mean Chris is in the same place, but it does suggest that this isn't the right time to speculate in the papers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    Mt Albert's winnability for National: No it was simply not winnable; a thirty-point percentage lead simply cannot be overturned, particularly by a governing party... but yes, it could have been significantly narrowed.

    The big margin was a personal vote for Clark -- the party vote margin last year was only about 2000 -- so it was certainly possible that Shearer's margin could have been less than that, and even that he might not even win, especially with Russel Norman standing.

    In the end, both a very strong campaign behind him and a disastrous one for Lee procured a landslide.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    So, Ralston changed his mind? Fancy that. Meanwhile, it would be nice if a few more pundits could do so and acknowledge it.

    It was the not-acknowledging part that was funny in Ralston's columns. He was just reheating the received wisdom of the moment.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Ups and Downs,

    Did The Cars do a song called Surrender? I am thinking of the Cheap Trick song.

    Duh. Still a bit fuzzy today ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Chaos in Kingsland,

    On a slightly more cheerful note, who'd rather be in Mount Albert than Tehran right now? I know its just not about us, but its a reminder how we take free, fair and credible elections (and no riots in the streets afterwards) for granted.

    I thought something similar myself. Juan Cole and other Iran-watchers are emphatic that the "result" is the consequence of massive, clumsy election fraud.

    Although I am surprised at how many unreconstructed leftists seem to regard it as a victory for the proletariat over the urban bourgeois ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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