Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    I believe that's called 'trolling'. build a bridge and jump off it cos it's a fine line between trolling and trying to initiate frank discussion, playahating and critical feedback, chopping down tall poppies and knocking back overblown egos. Can you tell the difference and does it matter as long as the post is on topic ???

    its the thread jacking and the shooting of messengers that irks me...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    There's still no call to call him an "arrogant condescending little know it all cunt" though is there? You've thrown around a lot of abuse since you started posting here. People will be thinking you're bitter. Maybe you should think of a nice thing to say next time ...

    hahaha or what ???

    Check the bean counting thread. Maybe instead of being bitter it could possibly be an act, cyber performance art if you will . An overblown caricaturised internet persona that as a disclaimer i should state doen't neccessarily reflect the real opinions of the author. A kind of anonymous playa hater who when it comes right down to it doesnt really give a shit about what he says on line as in the general scheme of things it changes little and is no more than light entertainment which if this were print medium would garner no more than a flitting glance and a chuckle on day old fish and chip paper

    Hmmmm a nice thing to say ???. Nick D has great taste in t shirts !!!

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    ..and there we have it. The great NZ music month internet debate about NZoA funding structures and personell of 2008

    So what have we learnt or achieved ??? Well apart from having a good ol grizzle and whine with a large chunk of rant thrown in and the rare appearance of the top dawg in to elucidate the official postion without really answering the BIG questions, I'd say we learnt a little and achieved fuck alll...

    So was it worth it ??? I'd like to think some positives could come out of this. It's surely not for the lack of ideas if nothing did so where to next ??? Wait another year and do it all over again ???

    Maybe we should place bets on changing govt policy for a possible change in gov't with accompanying clean out in the public sector of all the entrenched labourite bureaucrats. Can't really see that happening, more likely a budget cutback and trim around the edges compensated for by an extra weeks holiday for those who make the grade.

    Surely though with the change in focus from sourcing music for personal and professional purposes shifting from radio plugged stuff with timed video release leading to increased sales of CD's, to net based promotion and sales bypasing the radio element and retail stores there must be a change in focus of the funding structures to reflect that???

    Somehow i doubt that too. Just as those responsible for implementing the vision for the current system have legitimised the virtual arsekissing ol boys network of BS and the radio jocks so too will those with too much to lose duck and run, shuck and jive, baffle in bullshit and blind in ignorance resist the winds of change still sweeping the music industry.

    Things to expect in the coming year would then be. More crap one hit wonder groups, watered down hiphop, boring lo fi guitar pop bands, inauthentic reggae artists, aged icons making another comeback, possibly even a supergroup of reformed 'cats away' proportions looking to cash in again and hayley westenra doing what she does so well, soft porn covers

    On the' live' international side, more gov't sponsored junket trips for bands and bureaucrats to largely irrelevent music conferences showcasing talent which for lack of innovative marketing in the digital age and lack lustresongs would see them achive far more with the money spent on getting them there. Locally, less chance of any band building a live fanbase due to escalating costs of touring, the lack of patronage, decent venues and thus being incapable of leveraging that into massive CD sales.

    Cant fucking wait...

    BTW, in capitalising on the increased awareness brought about by music month, does anyone have stats on CD releases and sales for this music month compared to last year and the years before ??? Somehow I dont think music month is about that either. It seems more about counting the beans, ticking the boxes, attending the industry parties, browning the nose and backslapping congratulations for another year of awesome kiwi achievement but really what have we achieved through the current system ??? step forward 2 steps back or one giant leap for bureaucracy one tiny step for art and culture

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    I'm sure his love and encyclopaedic knowledge of music is genuine and he's probably a really nice guy to boot but for no other reason in not liking some rappers because of the way they look combined with their tone, flow, style, lyrics and delivery i just don't have any love for him...'s not like he needs any extra fans with you lot singing his praises anyway :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    My word yes, that was very impressive. I too thought the NZOA funding was tenuous, but I'm more than happy to overlook it since the final product was so good. I'm surprised more hasn't been said by the critics, but I think Nick's got a big future ahead of him in broadcasting. (And I knew he spoke Japanese, but Portuguese as well!!?? WTF :)

    Annoying little twat. I just want to swat him and say " look bro dont be such an arrogant condescending little know it all cunt cos it alienates people."

    I just can't watch or listen to him cos of it. Shame really, but yes I can see him being the next paul holmes or paul henry. Both annoying arrogant little twats in themselves.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    ooops, read one antichrist as false prophet...heh

    google this >> barack obama antichrist false prophet

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    I am not without regard for Rupert Murdoch. Capitalism rewards risk, and Murdoch has, at various times, taken huge risks (albeit with others' money) and reaped the rewards. He is also pragmatic when he needs to be: witness his interview with Reuters this week, in which he predicts a Democratic landslide in November and extends what amounts to a public invitation to Barack Obama to pop in for a cuppa.

    makes perfect sense if obama is the antichrist. The living embodiment of the antichrist in the times of the end.


    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: O.G.,

    for all you non street types

    hoodies on their own = safe

    hoodies plus new era baseball cap = watch your back

    hoodies plus new era baseball cap and one pant leg rolled up = eyes down and cross the road


    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    more than tour, he was an original member of The Mockers when they were a classy little garage band from Wellington.

    yeehaaa jobs for the boys...:)

    I can see him coming down real hard on BS and his mates over a glass of merlot down at the boys own club.

    with few on the board having the sort of insight and understanding he is privy to.

    You keep saying that so what exactly are some these insights and understanding. Sounds more like he can just baffle the board with bullshit and they buy it.

    Its great having 20/20 retro vision and an understanding of history but surely a vision for the future and an ability to implement change at the right time is more important.

    There goes that timing thing again...heh and i just don't think BS is that man for these times anymore.

    Time for change and to rip obamas catch phrase. Change we can believe in.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Surely artistic values of a leading production company should count for something rather than just airplay potential.

    So nevermind it's a shit tune, the video is going to be amazing because Chris Cunningham has agreed to direct it? You're confusing NZOA with Creative NZ or the Film Fund.

    Of course the tune would have to be banging but it could be cutting edge electronica thus outside the brief for commercial radio play but would still generate considerable interest on line possibly leading to broadcast overseas and an on line or hardcopy sale.

    To my mind, the shelf life of a video far outlasts that of a radio tune especially now with youtube. I got kids who churn thru the bandwidth watching vids of tunes they just don't hear on radio and not just flavour of the month ones either.

    Besides I'm still not sold on the correlation between video play and radio play. Any stats floating around to back that claim up ??? They seem to me to be mutually exclusive and totally different artforms so should be looked at and funded as such.

    Creative NZ and the film fund are more likely to redirect you back to the NZoA video funding stream having far more serious art to sponsor than silly old pop music.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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