Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    No, but Mr Sicc from auckland is making street hiphop and pulling no punches about it. I linked to his myspace earlier and he's got about a half a mil in hits, applied for funding and doesnt even get the courtesy of a reply or feedback. But lame shit like, oh take ya pick and is it any wonder NZ hiphop is crap all over again ??? The public lost interest in all the weak shit that got funded. And where the fuck are they now ??? Fast crew anyone ???

    We ask the music television broadcasters to listen to all the songs that are applying for music video funding and to tell us which songs they are most likely to play on the channel that they are programming.

    channel ??? Why not specialist shows within the channel or does it have to be some generic wet blanket pap as well ???

    The strategic value of the video to the radio airplay campaign; timing; the plan around the release; what else is happening with the band ...

    There we go again with the value to the radio campaign and the "band" focus.

    Timing...hmmm how does that work ??? How does one judge timing ???

    Release plan and what else is happening ???

    Is anyone buying this cos i'm not.It just seems like arbitrary safe decisions, a bit of tokenism, a dash of croneyism and a push for whatever guitar band or angsty chick takes the fancy for that month based on what nostalgic little pub they're playing in.

    c'mon man, fix up look sharp, step up or step off

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    we go to the artists and ask them for more information about themselves, the song, the recording plan, the release plan, etc and we select the five that have the best combination of song and plan.

    Release plan ??? as in a CD single release for an unknown artist ??? you're kidding right ??? Have you funded artists solely on digital release with a digital plan yet ???

    How about a hiphop artist with a massive groundswell of grassroots support and making tunes no different in style than any other contemporary american ie gangsta booty ???...Probably not cos thats not what you want the public to hear from a kiwi ??

    And what of cutting edge electronica with potentially stunning video production ??? Wouldn't get a look in right cos it doesn't fit the radio format despite it being bound to go off on video ???

    How about if i got Chris Cunningham (he of aphex twin vids fame) to make a vid of a tune with no commercial radioplay at all or even how about an NZ equivalent of aphex twin ??? NO ???

    Surely artistic values of a leading production company should count for something rather than just airplay potential. And what then of all the has beens who get funding for shit tunes cos they or their manager is mates of a person of influence in making funding decisions. You're not going to tell me that never happens are you ???

    Whats it gonna take to change NZoA focus and maybe become a bit more transparent or do you think things are going swimmingly according to some grand vision you have ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Let us not forget that Fat Freddy sold 45,000 copies before they allowed a song to be taken to commercial radio (a great achievement and if I had a hat, I would take it off to them) but it went from 45,000 or so to 105,000 or so on the back of the massive (commercial) radio airplay of Wandering Eye. That was a very clever and conscious strategic move on their part and it paid off handsomely for them.

    How do you not allow a song to be "taken" to commercial radio ?

    After 45k in sales it'd be a pretty safe bet for radio to program something straight of the album. Straight no brainer to give the public what they're already enjoying.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    We do consult the music television PDs (C4, Juice, MTV) when we are deciding on which music videos we will fund and take their views on the airplay potential of the songs into account - it is one factor but not the only factor - and at one stage in the process, we consult radio PDs when we are deciding which New Recording Artist songs we will fund but again, it's one factor but not the only factor.

    What is this mysterious airplay potential recognition thing you and PD's can see considering you havent even seen the video yet ?

    What are some of the other deciding factors re:video and new recording grants at what stage in the process do you consult radio PD's about new recording artists ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    __Why does funding all have to revolve around radio ?__

    it presently revolves around 'commercial' radio. An important distinction.

    How so ? It's not like they fund artists for non commercial radio...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    True but you don't want to be giving funding to an act just because the come from a certain city

    Goes without saying they'd have to have a good tune or 2 as well. Regional funding would also foster healthy competition between centres which can only be a good thing. It'd help grow the local scene immensely if we knew there was a dedicated person batting on our regions behalf and the money was going back into our local economy.

    I still don't understand the narow commercial radio fetish. Why does funding all have to revolve around radio ? Album funding, video funding, touring funding... dont these people envision a time coming real soon when radio wont even be the main form of listening in cars or home ?

    I'd rather see more diverse genred NZ music vids than hear more fake pop tunes on the radio. If artists still want to have radio as a focus then fine, but for those that don't, there needs to be an easy access to public money to support stuff that doesnt fit the mainstream taste as deciced by tastemakers of dubious distinction.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I'm not so much for regional funding

    Should we just assume people in different places like the same music then ? Compare sth aux tastes to chch to welli central ? Theres a big difference eh. Even in hiphop theres regional differences in musical output.

    The idol audition thing, well you'd have to have qualified staff for that and that's definitely something worth pushing for

    qualified like how ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    you're chch, no wonder you're angry :)
    I'd love to see the stats on distribution of grants regionally.
    including how many applications were received from different areas and how many grants given to those areas.

    Not so much angry as frustrated. And yeah thats why i suggested regional funding though a liaison person who knows the local scene is the one and get rid of the "send your cd to welli" thing. Lets personalise this shit. Sort of like an 'idol' audition with feedback as to why your tune/band didnt get funded instead of checking the NZoA site to see you didnt make the cut with no reason as to why.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat, what point does the NZoA say,"OK We fucked up, this isn't working, the landscapes changed, we need fresh ideas and fresh people from the top down"

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    But let's be honest, as much as they might try, it doesn't sound anything like US hip-hop. Which is why it works.

    Maybe not, but tonally he sounds a lot like JaRule

    ...and how much of that kiwiness will still be present in his next output for the US market ?

    Who cares ??? he's not, making shit for NZoA anymore. Pity same cant be said about Aaradhna. Dawnraid are so hit and miss.

    And back to Katchafire. You could dress any maori covers band up in rastagear, push the aotearoa spirituality angle and treehuggers the world over will get irie and buzz out but c'mon, listen to the fucking tunes !!!

    They're not that flash eh and neither are the production values. Almost a quarter of a mil they've recieved not including sales and concert revenue ??? Fuck me thats alot of 12" singles and music vids you could crash the dance scene with.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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