Posts by dubmugga

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  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Fuck NZ radio

    BTW i was reading Katchafire have recieved in the last 6 yrs of NZoA and music commish funding, 14 music grants, 3 phase 4 album grants including a 20k hit to push them onto US radio. All up grants totalling 220 000 dollars.

    Not bad for a crap reggae band playing mostly bob marley covers which i heard when they played in jamaica got em booed off stage. I say fuck the music and just become a funding beneficiary

    Sure they is maori, which is a good way for the powers that be to get their brownie points and token gestures out of the way in one hit but theres not much kiwi about selling reggae to the world or is there ?

    compare that to this

    The American deal comes after the success of the song Swing on the sound-track of hit Hollywood movie Knocked Up. It quickly gained cult status.

    "The movie is what's snowballed everything," Savage said.

    "As soon as it hit the movies, people started Googling the song, and looking for the song on YouTube. They found my MySpace page. That's how we realised I was in demand.

    "We asked to put the song on American iTunes. It soon jumped to the top 20 and it's been there for the last couple of months.

    "It's something we all daydream about, I guess. For it to finally happen, it feels like it's a dream in itself.

    "All the hard work is starting to pay off. But there's still more and more hard work to be done."

    "I've got a promo tour. We'll be touring over there starting from the ground up, visiting all the unis and doing shows and pushing the song (Swing remix) over there."

    yeah go on say it ! Not much kiwi about selling hiphop to the world either but the point is, it won't cost 220k of tax payer money to foister savage to a global market cos at least the market wants him to start with.

    Whos betting Mr sicc could follow on with no support from home either ?

    Lasty, please if anyone has the vid to one of NZ most lush and beautiful vids Micronism/Denver McCarthy can you tube it ? Its the one with old gathering footage.

    Whatever happened to denver ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Scuba is where it's at. 'Mutual antipathy' is on hi rotate round these ways.

    Pinch vocal album was mud except for 'get up' and 'one source' and he'll never top qawalli. IMHO

    as for local hiphop, try 'homebrew' standard, light and dark.

    Don't confuse homebrew with that chemically flavoured pisswater bottled by the mainstream. This shit sets in the bottom of your gut, fucks with your head and lets you know you've just drunk something really speshal.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Agreed, NZoA commercial radio funding = total waste of energy if you're into music as art and cultural evolution. I figured that one out years ago but it seems to be all BS and his buddies knows about cos its all he addressed in his soliloquy and all he seems comfortable pushing ahead with.

    EXIT STRATEGY please. Get the fucking troops out before we lose faith in the president. At least it's gw's last few months but still the damage has been done. BS and co have got jobs for the boys for life it seems.

    Nice one on the dubstep styles Sam but do you ever think a genre that isn't vocal based will get video or radio funding ??? answer = No, but it should.

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    "You will not be paid on any claim where the assessed royalty value is less than $10.00."

    uh're opening a whole black box belonging to pandora, i mean apra and co there Mark.

    Sure, but there is fairly strong evidence also that commercial radio is fairly out of step with what, using a very broad sweep, many NZers would want or be comfortable listening too. The very fact that an album like Fat Freddies has sold so many copies, and the number of indie NZ records that have crashed the charts over the years may indicate that the listening public is more advanced than those providing the researched fodder.

    exactly, did you see how many myspace hits mr sicc had over phoenix foundation but who gets the nod and why ? And i know those guys been putting the work in and the funding apps to the point where they been overlooked so many times they don't even bother.

    Regarding the lack of correlation between record sales and radio play funding. How about the correlation between video play and radio play ? Tenuous at best ???

    A good vid will get you noticed and airplay overseas courtesy of youtube contributing to a search and hit on your myspace and possibly an online or hardcopy sale. Is there any thing to suggest it will get you radioplay overseas or here ?

    So why fund them along the same criteria and selected by the same people ?

    And heres a question for robbery. If you had a youf radio network what do you reckon theyd play the most of ? What is it the youf are into most ???...Yup r'n'b and hiphop, but do we foster that style of music as much as the stuff you like ? Oh hell no... WHY ? Not culturally significant ? Exactly whose culture are we talking here ?

    ...and i'm not talking crap aaradhna covers either

    Whats the failsafe mechanism at work in your proposal rob ? you :)

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    Point taken but it's fairly bloody obvious I'm not from the same place as robbery and am as much offended to be lumped in with him as he with me :)

    I don't want to distract and get into logic, philosophy or self serving motives cos thats subjective as well and it doesnt pay to question anybody's, does it ?

    Objectively it's about getting more of NZ on Air but more of what NZ across the board want on air not just on radio and not just what the programmers want or the tastemakers at NZoA want and to reflect the changing times.

    I'm just using hiphop and electronica and those bands held up as shining lights as an example of the narrow focus and easy manipulation of the funding go round if you're prepared to play the game without questioning who the rules favour.

    I'll settle for an indy review across the board and leave my personal bias towards BS out of it.

    Fair enough ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    I think you just jumped the shark. Have a self-serving whine if you must, but it's hardly necessary to slag off a group of artists who are actually getting noticed. Are you seriously saying that NZ On Air should not only ignore radio rock, but all forms of "boring" rock music? Including artists as complex and eclectic as SJD and Dimmer?

    Of course it's fucking neccessary. Those bands, possibly more so the complex and eclectic ones put me to sleep but thats a subjective thing.

    Lets be objective. Weak argument ? Hard done by ? So tell me about this proportion stuff ? Bro, what is the most played and popular genre out there on radio ? Who just got signed to a worldwide deal and how ? Proportionally how does that genre get funded ? whos taking notice and serving notice ?


    I'm saying lose the narrow focus and stop making a token effort towards funding safe hiphop and electronica and looking at them as being the poor relation and get away from this radio only thing.

    ...for instance, what about the video funding aspect ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    The Brunettes, The Ruby Suns, The Phoenix Foundation. And Cassette, Connan & The Mockasins, SJD, Dimmer...yawn bro yawn.

    What about me ? It isnt fair. Iv'e had enough now i want my share. Can't you see. I wanna live but you just take more than you give.

    Never so true a lyric was written about electronica and hiphop. For all BS justification and self congratulatory backslapping. It's still all a little back asswards looking and pandering to the safe crusty old tradition of boring indy styled lo fi guitar bands. I'm still not seeing the turnaround to a brighter future, an exit strategy from the invasion of mediocrity assulting our airwaves , anything that inspires me to think this is the guy to lead us into the digital age and i'm afraid for all his protestations i'm now more than ever convinced he is not.

    When was an independent review made of NZoA policy and fulfilling the charter or performance review of personnell ?

    Surely its time for one yeah ? I mean it's just too easy to count the beans, tick the boxes, write a report sayin we need more money to achive the goals and kick it upsatirs for someone to rubberstamp without anyone ever questioning if the process, institution and trusted bureaucrats aren't flawed to begin with.

    And in that I could just as easily be talking about the music commish. 4.8 mill...Yeeehaaa !!! time for a raise, maybe hire one of their buddies and an extra junket trip to a music conference for said boring indy styled lo fi guitar bands.

    Basic question is. Can the money be better spent, diagnosed for malaise then used to change the system for the better by transfusing it with new blood all the way through, from the outer extremities to the heart and soul of kiwi music ???

    Yeah it can, but will it ??? Not if no one thinks the body corporate isnt sick or is in denial as to how sick it really is.

    My question to Brendan then is if he has no shame in his game, would he welcome an indy review ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    ^^I kind of remeber that but not really, you got a traklist for it ???

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    MCOJ and the rhythm slave ?...thats the way uh huh uh huh !!!

    It's crusty old white guys thinking they know

    Who you talkin' 'bout, Willis?

    Well lets start with columbus and chunn then progress up the chain and though the ages til we get to BS...

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bean-Counting the Beat,

    One of the J's became a mormon missionary, the other became 'MC ovadose' of 'Radio Backstab' fame and one of NZ's best beatboxers he was also tutoring at otara music centre last i heard which was a while ago.

    Theres lots of rancid things floating around the rarified air of the music industry.

    300 teenage girls might not know about significant culture but given the option theyd provide a better snapshot of whats popping in the contemporary music scene than a bureaucrat, a radio programmer and a frustrated music exec locked in a room.

    Come to think of it, I'm not to sure I'd be able to recognize significant culture without some sort of payola. Maybe the music commish can have significant culture spotting workshops ?

    the back of your mind • Since Nov 2006 • 257 posts Report

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