Posts by Danielle
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Oh sheez. Last time I looked at this thread we were talking about bromeliads and boofheads.
Hey Robbie, you know that thing you do where you think you're being all provocative and shit, especially when you're talking about women? It's played.
Which is why, Jack, my hospital bag will be in the car. :)
Thanks for fighting the good fight in the thread comments over there, Gio, but all I want to say is that you are way too charitable, because oh GOD, I hate that guy. I hate the way he frames his arguments, I hate the WTF-ness and ridiculous contrarianism of the conclusions he draws about character and motivation, I hate his wilful misreadings of the most obvious scenes. There are about two good points in his whole schtick, and the rest of it makes me want to take a hostage. BAH.
A big big love is right, Sacha. I'm the size of a house!
I have come across this guy who reckons that it's a lot of racist reactionary garbage
I know contrarianism makes the pop-cultural world go 'round, but... *really*? How tiresome.
most or all of the music is diegetic
I still laugh when I think about Bodie listening in confusion to A Prairie Home Companion.
(The baby has not quite made his appearance yet, Sofie. And no, you can't have my Pixies ticket. :) )
You'd probably like The Wire, then. You have to trust us on this :)
Seconded, thirded, fourthed. Motion carried.
I think you and David Simon (creator and head writer of The Wire) would have some very interesting conversations, Islander. Because it isn't even really about crime (or, at least, only notionally so). As you get further into it, it's about... everything. Class. Race. Cities. Friendship. Family. Politics. Drugs. Schools. (The futility of standardised testing.) The nature of work. Expected behaviour. Unexpected behaviour. Changing your life. Being sucked back into horrible things. Tragedy. It's... epic.
(Also, it is - strangely - really hilarious. We hit pause to laugh uproariously at least once an episode.)
Man. I think I might need to watch it all over again.
Although there was a conversation about fascinators/badges at one point....
Please, please wear fascinators. That would be so rad!
It's been a bit of a weird one. I feel cheated of my usual 'flinging myself into various bodies of water and eating lovely foods' summer. I've mostly been in my house, hiding from the heat. Waiting.
(Oh, and writing over 13,000 meaningless words for the benefit of my annoying librarian overlords. Thanks for nowt, MLIS programme.)
C'mon, it was kind of incredibly obvious who you were in previous incarnations, Robbie. You're not exactly Subtle McCoy.
(Also, how I love that OutKast song. So much. 'I catch a beat running like Randy Moss!')
How many people (especially under 30s) these days have a radio that's not in their car or part of their cellphone?
I have a shower radio shaped like a frog, which I use daily to listen to NatRad during my ablutions. But I am 35.