Posts by Danielle
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a female
This term is an invariable signifier that the writer is a douchebag.
Things I gleaned from my years in American grad school (disclaimer: many of these may not apply, as I am old and came home in 2002, and was not in the northeast, but perhaps they will help in some small way):
1. 'Twat' is a much worse word over there than it is here. (Not that you would ever use such a word anyway, Lucy. And nor did I. Ahem.)
2. Do not judge the myriad male colleagues whose wardrobes consist entirely of pleated khaki pants. They know not what they do.
3. [possibly south-specific] Be careful to whom you admit that you are an atheist.
4. Be prepared for SO. MUCH. MORE. bureaucracy than you had ever anticipated. Queues: accept them. Also accept that everything after you get to the front of the queue seems completely illogical. Because it is.
5. The banking system is mind-numbingly antiquated and the banks are all assholes.
6. There is no such thing as A4. There is some weird-assed American-size paper that will not fit in anything you have brought from home.
7. They will all think you're English. -
I desperately want to use the phrase 'a little bit of howdy doody' at some point today.
I really enjoyed that game. T'other half went to see the Dirty Projectors, while I sat on the couch and had several small heart attacks. It was great.
Also: Johnson's hair. Someone needs to stage an intervention.
Holy crap, that was rad.
Look, I'm sitting happily on the couch watching the cricket. I just had a delightfully moist piece of orange and almond cake. Feeling pretty relaxed. Do I have to rustle up the effort to rebut some deeply moronic assertions in this thread, or can I not bother and we can all pretend I did?
it's all about Fabio
Who said profit was all bad, anyway?
Yeah, I get how it works, we are all cogs in the machine, I would be nothing without our glorious wage-paying overlords, blah blah blah. I just resent having to play along with all this business-speak as if it's some sort of important or coherent philosophy rather than a particularly propagandist part of what is, at heart, a giant global pyramid scheme.
Don't mind me, you guys. I'm just having a Crazed Communist Moment. It happens now and then. :)
What about time management, working within budget and *ahem * quality control ?
In the service of... profit.
ETA: Also, god I hate hearing these stupid 'business English' terms related to absolutely everything. HATE. It's like we've been taken over by the bloody Borg.
I'd love to see us taxpayers... enabled to choose priorities as to where our money goes/is expended.
Am I the only person envisioning nightmare scenarios here? Complete gutting of the entire welfare system, and an entirely taxpayer-funded daily showing of Sensing Murder?
(Terrible realisation: I apparently think most people in NZ totally suck. Oh dear.)
Hey, that's *my* soul station, Geoff! I am brandishing my brick from the Stax building as we speak.
some of the genres you're advocating for are in fact at least represented on our airwaves
Commercial stations play an extraordinarily narrow range of songs, though. So to use soul as an example, your average oldies station would play the requisite five or ten Motown songs and nothing else, droned into your head repetitively for months on end, familiarity breeding contempt. It's depressing when you think about what they could dig up if they had the option. Instead, thousands and thousands of amazing recordings are left to a few hard-core fans or Bob Dylan's Theme Time Radio Hour. And it would be the same for nearly any musical genre, probably. Ecchhh.