Posts by Sacha
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I fail to see how imposing a dress code on the brownshirts (or Mosley's fascists, according to someone in the comments) made them any less toxic.
Quite. Historical results somewhat undermine his argument.
What, hiccups cause overheating now?
Shucks, the George Bush of economists, even.
Grey Lynn needs more Lebanese farmers.
I believe being able to distinguish between the numbers four and six may be a prerequisite for an economics career. Still given the last few years, who knows?
Maybe the three year old boy was defiantly wetting the bed, in which case we should see Baldcock and co race to this parent's defence.
Way too good to be Bollard's work, that's for sure.
I don't think people have to love gangs to believe that "First they came for.." actually means something. Trotter's reference to WW2 history seems to ignore that part of its lessons.
And there does seem to be something different about the quality of Roger's attention this time around.
I vote for clinical trials of Rik's chocolate.
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