Posts by Sacha
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I'm gobsmacked at Lhaws' response, natch. The only motivation I can think of outside "overt racism" is grandstanding.
I doubt he'd view those as mutually exclusive motivations. And my one word to add is "eyeliner".
What's the female equivalent of small penis syndrome?
Don't worry, the question is rhetorical and I have definitely finished with you yet.
And in other news sourced from a billboard, Burger Fuel introduce a wagyu burger. Wit cheese.
I highly recommend Danyl's condensed and uncanny history of s59 as a conversation between the main players.
Larry Baldock: Because parents have the divinely appointed right to beat their children.
Sue Bradford: Okay, so we disagree on that, but this bill has the support of all the child welfare agencies . . .
Larry Baldock: Beat the sin out of them, that’s what I say. Thrash them within an inch of their life.
Sue Bradford: . . . can cite a number of pertinent cases . . . Wow, I really do hate you. Maybe I do want to ban smacking.
Larry Baldock: Watermelons! Lesbians! Proverbs 13:24!
Sue Bradford: Yeah, you know what? Fuck you, asshole. This bill bans smacking! If you smack your kids it’s child abuse and you’re going to jail. How d’ya like that?
...Customs Officer at La Guardia: Welcome to the United States Ms Clark.
Ta for burningman link. Heard an advert for a NewZild zone right away. Sounded like that "beached as" clip but involving 42 Below.
Yay, another whisky interlude. Lagavulin, I say.
For that unflinching pursuit of what tastes good, heedless of price, I salute you, Rob Hosking.
Sadly his tastes weren't so luxuriantly reckless when we flatted together. :)
Heh. I left that in for balance. Rotorua may be doing some good things for the man, but it can't erase his entire character.
He's a proud man.
Thanks, Sam. That piece is downright remarkable - perfectly reasonable, not righteously foaming - in short, almost unrecognisable. Love this bit:
It seems to me that those who espouse the "one nation, one people" concept are invariably white, and stand to the right of the political spectrum. That, in itself, is a cause for suspicion.
Their understanding of one nation, one people seems to be that all the people who make up this nation have become, or will soon become, integrated - that is just like them - so there is no need to give any other people any special consideration.
That is nonsense.
and this one:
Maori and Pakeha are much more different than I ever realised until after I had spent more than a year delving into Maori language, culture and spirituality. And long may those differences remain.
Socially, the differences are marked, for nowhere in Pakeha society will you find the whanau, hapu, iwi, tribe construct upon which Maori society is built.
Nor will you find among other races the innate spirituality which connects Maori with their natural environment and possessions.
And, probably because most Pakeha have never bothered even to try to understand any of those things, Maori have been double-crossed, exploited and otherwise screwed ever since the Treaty of Waitangi was signed.
Just like Emma, of course.
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