Posts by Sacha
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Was he playing India?
I like the irony of Comrade Semmens crying "first" on behalf of the keyboardless masses.
Or currently swollen.
You mean trifling is about just desserts?
Geoff, thanks for thinking of me but no, the album doesn't exist - partly for contractual reasons. I encourage Simon to hang onto those recordings as part of our country's musical heritage, even if he can't release them. If he ever could, I would be delighted.
Simon, I'd still pay good money for a Mesh album.
I feel bibliographically challenged in this company. Downloaded Zotero, and that's as far as I have got.
He's no nannying nancy.
The Herald's latest online poll poses the conundrum: Michael Lhaws, "voice of reason" or "obnoxious ranter".
It says much about those who vote (and inhabit the parallel universe of the Your Views section) that the vote is running 72% in favour of our man's rationality and impending sainthood.
Thank you for the explanation, Gordon. The problem sounds kind of fundamental.
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