Posts by Sacha
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Thanks for the update, Karl. Scathing is good.
My kids are gutted, by the way.
So is my inner child, you cynical bunch. Kashin was like a family pet - just marketed to and shared by many, many families. But very good at building affectionate relationships spanning years, in any case. I was touched that they closed the zoo for a day so the keepers could do their grieving.
Been too busy, but I do want to go back as an audience member. Good people.
Go well on the speaking tour.
I'm just relieved. Arohanui, Emma.
Russell made his expectations crystal clear from the start
Can anyone please link to those. Curious.
Geoff, did your students enjoy themselves at the taping?
I catch up with Media7 after the fact, when I can. Often watch certain segments rather than the whole thing.
I respect your interest, Tom, but if they wanted to devote an entire show to talking about rugby coverage, then that's one less viewer here. More than enough wall-to-wall sports commentary elsewhere, surely.
You mean even your dog is poetic?
It amazes me how firmly those who should be smarter cling to the idea that democracy means nothing more than mob rule - "one person, one vote". Or that Maori seats are about ethnic represenatation, not honouring Treaty obligations.
Heh. Thanks.
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