Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    All as we have to do is put the perfect parent Russell in charge of the world and we will have utopia. Like Mason I do not claim to be a perfect parent. I wonder if Russell has adult children if they will look up to him as Mason's did.

    What a sad little man you are.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,


    That does not stop others with your encouragement claiming that I condone a light punch to the head. This is a lie.

    Horrors. How could anyone read the following paragraph from you and think that?

    It is possible that the jury believed that Mason punched his boy lightly in the face. It is possible that the jury did not accept that Mason punched his boy lightly in the face yet correctly under this legislation found him guilt of assault. Pulling someone by the hair is assault.

    Go away Chuck.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    I am a member of the ACT Party.


    You stated my age on your blog. That is not a problem. Why not tell us your age and when you think you will act your age. At least the university students have an excuse for drowning out Melissa Lee.

    Chuck, that was a news story from the TVNZ website. Although I have, it is true, described you as a "public fool". I see no reason to revisit that judgement.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    But you've just linked to a report that says "The incident was witnessed by a school teacher and an off-duty police officer who reported it to police.

    It's not really that hard. The schoolteacher and her teenage son saw Mason punch his son in the face. The schoolteacher called over the officer, to whom Mason readily admitted hitting his son. The officer called some other officers, presumably because Mason was continuing to nut off in the public street. The police also wanted to determine whether it was safe to sent Mason home with his kids.

    The "incident" clearly went on for a while.

    I'm not muttering, or providing a distraction for what happened, because I believe Mason could have been charged with assault for what he did a lot earlier than he was, as opposed for police to initially treat it as a S59 discretion case.

    Like various others here, I don't really see your point.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Deborah Coddington's column about Christine Rankin is worth reading.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    Also, what Sacha said.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    Yes which is why I was surprised that six cops turned up to say hello to Jimmy Mason - seven if you count the police "witness". Perhaps the whole station turned up.

    Why on earth would you be questioning the decision of an experienced policewoman there on the spot?

    The location is very near the Christchurch police station, so it would have been easier for them to come out than if the disturbance had been in, say, Linwood, but I find it hard to believe she'd have deliberately wasted her colleagues' time.

    And I can't see cause for quote marks around "witness". The officer was a witness to what she saw and heard on her arrival.

    Dave, what, exactly, are you implying?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: A little liberal line in the sand,

    I can recommend some of the brilliant High Contrast remixes of The Streets on hypem as well.

    Oooh. I don't do a lot of d 'n' b, but that's pretty fine. Only problem: the actual download link is broken ...

    I had to laugh at myself playing that 'Blinded By the Lights' mix this afternoon, family out of the house, new kitchen stereo cranked up louder than I have previously dared ...

    There's a bass frequency after the breadown about a third of the way through that's very irie indeed .

    Some mo'?

    Lilly Allen, 'I Could Say' (Doc Fritz remix) -- same fluffy cloud feeling as the original, but with a disco beat.

    And Lilly Allen, 'Never Gonna Happen' (Dr Rosen Rosen Mix)

    I've been playing the latter a lot in the car. It calms me. But why is everyone a doctor?

    (Rationalisation for replacing 10 year-old kitchen stereo with spanking Yamaha jobbie: It was such a bargain it would have been rude not to . New car stereo speakers: the factory ones were poked .)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    ..but that police officer <i> was</i> a witness - and she gave the evidence in court that nailed Jimmy for the punch.Surely that's enough for a charge ot be brought.

    Certainly, a police officer's evidence carries great weight in court, but the officer didn't directly witness the assault, the other witnesses did. They had to be interviewed.

    Here's one of the first round of stories, with Mason playing the offended father after his police warning:

    Mason says he is not angry with police as they were just doing their jobs and someone made a complaint.

    "What I'm angry about is I have a history of child beating and I'm not a child beater. That's why I'm fuming."

    Police originally said they weren't laying charges. But they are now reviewing the case because of discrepancies between the Mason's story and the witnesses.


    But inspector rick jury says there are discrepancies between the man's account and those of a witness.

    He says until the review has been completed, police will not be commenting further.

    You can join the chorus of muttering if you like, but forgive me if I think the intention is to distract from what actually happened.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Stop the Enabling,

    If it was good enough for her to relay that conversation in court (as I believe she did), surely it was good enough for her to tell cop who gave Mason the initial warning what Mason told her. Then charges could have been pressed at that point before Mason blabbed to the media.

    The police charged Mason after interviewing witnesses, which would seem to be proper. There was about two weeks between his warning (when he started complaining to the media) and the police bringing charges.

    It's hardly their role to rush to get in a charge before the angry dad runs to the media and makes himself a cause celebre.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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