Posts by Danielle
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I mean don’t get me wrong. I love Hamilton. Where else am I going to get petrol on my way to Tirau? Oh yeah, Huntly.
What’s Hamilton’s new motto anyway? I wish they hadn’t put the kybosh on ‘it’s more than you’d expect!’ Such a rich vein of humour to be mined there…
For the life of me, I can’t see the argument against this. I call it democracy.
You mean, the very clear argument Tony made in which he laid out exactly why NZ’s experiment with bulk funding ended up cutting funds from school operational budgets? Because it’s just up the page. You could read it again. When you combine that sort of statement with your later ideas about ‘innovation’ and ‘slicing through bureaucracy’ and a slam on teachers’ unions for being self-interested, you’re now at alarm-bell-levels – perhaps, dare I say, talkback radio levels? – of weasel words.
More trivially, I am deeply troubled by your assertion that anyone could learn the history of television in a weekend. My entire life is now a lie. :)
(Also, tallying everyone’s post count as some sort of insult – I assume? – is… a little odd. Yes, indeed, some people have posted here at Public Address System many times. What’s your point?)
one side of the whakapapa is Bluff/Colac Bay for well over 300 years
I know I’ve said this before, Islander, but we are so totally related.
Trademe is blocked here (fair enough too!)
Any job I have had which officially blocks innocuous websites gets my most lacklustre and recalcitrant performance. Oh, you thought I’d ‘waste time’ on that site, powers-that-be? Let’s just see, in the nature of an experiment, how much of your time I can fritter away without using them, shall we? Because I bet it’s much, much longer than I’d actually spend *on* them if they weren’t blocked.
I am petty and contrarian.
If that doesn’t pan out, Sam, it is held by about eight other New Zealand libraries, including North Shore, so you could probably interloan it.
Marijuana was often a stepping stone to more aggressive drugs such as P or cocaine, he said.
Cocaine? In New Zealand? You’d have to be on a merchant banker’s salary to afford it. Didn’t The Economist say it was $700 a gram here?
I don’t have sufficient motivation to cut the cheese.
Mmmmmppppphhhh! (OK, yes, I am eight years old. Sue me.)
Isn’t that how all relationships end?
Not with a bang, but a whimper…
(Although I did greatly enjoy the Camus limericks.)
I’ve never seen The Singing Detective as misogynist either. There are misogynist *characters* in it, and Potter is clearly, uh, well… yeah, the man has issues with women, obviously. But he seems tortured by them rather than thoughtlessly accepting of them (ETA: the issues, not the women).
That column is so stupid, needlessly contemptuous and hugely fucking annoying that I have no coherent response apart from GRAR.