Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Cracker: Of Tweets and Twats,

    And sorry to puncture WailOily's delusions, but I think there's been some real virtual scalp collecting going on in old Blighty. Cheese and crackers, talk about a self-inflicted cluster fuck...

    I believe he has been comparing his dazzling conquest of Mr Christie to the efforts of Guido in revealing the scandal that may yet end Gordon Brown's political career.

    No, really. He has.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,



    Well, not for everything. It's okay to sell front-and-centre seats for Simon & Garfunkel for top dollar. I doubt there'll be a clash of expectations at that show ;-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    While I agree that people have been known to dance at gigs, my point is that their desire to do so is untempered by any recognition of the effect their behaviour has on people around them. Hence, "selfish pricks"

    We were extremely considerate at Lucinda: we even waited for a break between songs to shuffle over to the side of the hall so that no one would be inconvenienced by our desire to get off our arses. But that's not the same thing as thinking you can buy a GA ticket and have everyone else do your bidding.

    And I did think that having seating all the way to the front had an averse impact on the gig. So, quite clearly, did Lucinda herself.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    See, that's what selfish pricks always resort to, because you want it your way and no other. "If you don't want to rock out LIKE ME, you shouldn't be here". Wow.

    No, I'm saying: if you expect to buy a ticket to an unseated area at a rock concert and then require everyone else there to sit on the ground because that's what you want to do, then perhaps you'd be happier at Christmas in the Park.

    What's absurd, Russell, is that you focus on (your perspective of) one concert and miss my point that self-centered behaviour is the problem here, not venue design or disability.

    Mark, I don't think standing up in an unseated area at a rock concert is "self-centred behaviour". Especially not when several tens of thousands of other people are doing the same thing.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    Some do actually. You may be surprised to find that often there is consideration for disabled.A specific entrance to specific seating. Thing is, ASK!

    I think this is extremely important, and it took too long for it to be properly done at the Big Day Out -- but they do do it now. I blogged about a young woman with cerebral palsy (and a blog of her own) for whom it made all the difference this year.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    All right, if you want it in words of less than three syllables: Don't be a selfish prick and think of other people's enjoyment as being as important as your own.

    I'm not being a selfish prick. I'm simply wondering why one group of people that chooses to sit down in a general admission area at a rock concert has the automatic right to make everyone else there sit down too. It's a ludicrous proposition.

    Yes, standing up is "behaviour". What else could you possibly call it? Whether it is "good" or "bad" behaviour was not mentioned - what I said was "behaviour that impinges on other people's right of enjoyment."

    And sitting down (and, in this case, throwing sticks and things at people who don't comply with your desires) isn't "behaviour"?

    Honestly Mark, that's absurd. If you go to a rock concert and you want to sit down and have no one stand up in front of you, buy a seat that guarantees that right. Otherwise, you're shit out of luck and probably shouldn't have come in the first place.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    I can understand for some that that implies some movement, but I fail to see why "They shouldn't have been at a friggin' Stones show if they didn't want to dance" is seen as justification for behaviour that impinges on other people's right of enjoyment.

    Standing up at a rock 'n' roll show is "behaviour"? WTF?

    Mark, it was a general admission area, with no seats, on a fairly steep slope. The fact that some ninnies got there early and carefully laid out their picnic rugs DOES NOT IN ANY WAY MEAN THAT NO ONE ELSE AT THE CONCERT IS ALLOWED TO STAND UP WHEN JUMPIN' JACK FLASH IS PLAYED.

    Sorry for shouting, but really ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    And the owner of the site clearly had a bee in his bonnet, so stuck to his guns

    I think "bee in his bonnet" rather understates the degree of extreme and obsessive behaviour in that case. I can think of other words, but they're probably defamatory ;-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    So, pardon me if I'm a little short of sympathy for Rickards

    Who isn't? But he wasn't actually convicted of a sexual offence, so ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    Don't ask how I came across this

    I can't help but feel that a man more confident in his manliness would have to keep saying things like: "Yes it is real and yes that is blood."

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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