Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    This guy then alternated between calling for blood any time anyone got up to dance in the middle aisle and getting up there himself. What a tw*t.

    Gawd. No one who spends that much time being angry can actually appreciate a show like that.

    I also forgot to mention the short older-lady usher that kept attempting to get people dancing (swaying?) up the front to move along - she had balls, that's for sure.

    I thought she was kind of awesome. She was really short, as if she'd been singled out for the going up the front and telling-off job because she wouldn't block anyone's view while she did it.

    In the old days concerts were like a Darwin-esque survival of the fittest expidition, the tickets were one price and those with the desire/strength made it to the front and everyone found their place in the melee.

    When you've been to a lot of gigs you learn how crowds work, how to give way to people headed in or out, and when to close up so the traffic lane appears somewhere else.

    These days you get fat old gits (I could variously fit into this category) with the money to buy expensive tickets sitting at the front which surely has to take some of the excitement that a band would feed off away from the equation thereby lessening everyones experience?

    I think you've hit on an important point. Those "premium" seats right up the front are a great earner for the promoter, but they seriously mess with the natural dynamic of a rock show.

    The way the last Rolling Stones show at Western Springs was sold was bloody scandalous. It was half-empty in the premium circle down in front, and grossly (and dangerously) oversold up on the hill.

    Even then, we had to contend with some Christmas-in-the-Park fools who felt that because they'd laid camp up amongst the trees hours before, no one should be able to stand up in front of them. They shouldn't have been at a friggin' Stones show if they didn't want to dance.

    In my world if you're at the front in a seat and the crowd stands up then you stand up with them. And if you are unable to stand up then you should buy a ticket in the stands/circle/whatever.

    In a perfect world ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Cloudwalker, regardless of what you think of Clint Rickards as a person, he was never convicted of a sexual offence.

    You may hold whatever views you like, but the last part of your post (which I won't repeat) doesn't belong in a public forum.

    Thanks Scott -- I've deleted the sentence in question. This thread is really taking some attention ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    Gareth, don't under-rate the dancin on the inside.

    Indeed. And I did actually think about my frustrated groove in terms of someone who has no choice but to dance sitting down.

    One of the happier things I've seen all year was a young bloke in a wheelchair havin' it large with his mates in the Boiler Room at this year's Big Day Out.

    It hopefully won't do any harm to note that they were all abso-fucking-lutely trollied on E. Clearly, when you need to dance, there are some awesome things you can do with a wheelchair.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    OK even if you know part of it is a con.

    I'd say "even if you know there is a degree of manipulation involved", rather than than "a con".

    Cowell etc aren't such geniuses that they can plan a mass viral swoon like this. There's a point where you have to take it at face value.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Me bawling at the clip: OK? Or not OK (TM)?

    Totally OK.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    George, we get the same thing with disability in the media all the time - watch for flag words like "despite" and "overcome" and "inspiring".

    You might have missed it Sacha, but she does have a learning disability -- the result of a lack of oxygen at birth -- which seems to have had an impact on her life, especially as a child, when she was bullied at school.

    One thing that no one has mentioned is that a good part of what made it work is that she didn't act in line with lowered expectations -- she came out on stage and wiggled her hips!

    I've been looking at her subsequent TV interviews, including the live link to Larry King (I'll compile them for this week's Newsmash) and she's similarly confident. She seems comfortable with herself.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    'Right in Time' from 2007 -- more like a country song than her current band plays it, but still beautiful ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Lucinda Williams made me cry,

    But the circle is not for dancing EVER.

    I should note that the big guy was standing at the top of the aisle and didn't seem to be blocking anyone's view. That was kinda the irony. It was much easier for people in the circle to get up and dance than the people on the floor.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Just like the "Clint Rickards" case, it has left a bad taste in everyone's mouth,and the reason is,because there is "One law for selebritys,all-blacks,and policemen,the other law for the rest of us".Equal justice for all ? Yeah,Right

    I don't think there's a different law for celebrities so much as an enormous advantage in being able to afford a top-notch defence.

    But speaking of All Blacks ... it's interesting seeing the usual suspects mocking the additional assault charges against Veitch that were dropped.

    Whilst noting very clearly that they were not proven in court , several of them seem at least as bad as (and probably worse than) the single assault on his wife to which a "fringe All Black" readily pleaded guilty several years ago. And you may recall the fuss about that.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Tweets and Twats,

    that has brought much harmless pleasure into the world.

    Not to mention several billion human beings!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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