Posts by Sacha
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More importantly, I'm sure Craig can do better than that, surely. I'd sooner have him as a Minister any day.
And at least I got Craig's name right.
Geez, what was remotely nasty about that? It seems the Minister herself couldn't think of any plausible defence so stayed away from Morning Report this morning.
After watching her performance in Question Time yesterday, I can certainly see why.
Paula Bennett is presumed guilty no matter what
Please do lay out the case for her innocence, by all means. I'm sure we all need a laugh.
Only just caught the conversation about this on t'other thread. Good stuff, interspersed with economic modelling, or yodelling, or somesuch.
The section that got me was:
"We ask all other students to invest in their own future if they're going into tertiary study because it generally means they will make a higher income. Why are those on a benefit any different?
"They're already getting a huge amount of support from the Government. We're asking them to back themselves a little bit and invest a bit of their own money."
Why are those on a benefit any different?
What an utter fool.Huge amount? Invest?
Not everyone has lump sum payouts or accommodation laid on by their parents to supplement bare subsistence-level benefits. TIA recognised that by recompensing extra costs which would otherwise be barriers to tertiary study.The women who the Minister is so courageously attacking say they'd be happy to pay any money back, if the system allowed it.
One of them also faces significant extra health expenses - which the righteous denizens of Kiwibog and talkbackland conveniently overlook as they grunt to one another about feckless bludgers and strong leaders doing the right thing. And make out that two smart women weren't capable of setting up their own blog without a political party holding their hand. It's all Labour's fault.
I had to break the law.The contrast between what these plonkers boldly proclaim and the bigoted pettiness of their actions tells us everything we need to know about their character.
are the people of other countries filled with such endless angst about their own provincialism and insularity?
Danielle, I reckon think of our nation as a teenager. In a world mainly full of grown-ups.
I know, I know - couldn't be arsed doing one of those spelling-correction comments or a plea for Edit when we know it is just over the horizon. Let's pretend I were thinking about vampires.
Unmistakeable, you say?
Kerry, if there is an Onion story about sockpuppetry then I think you have your answer.
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