Posts by Sacha
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Nope. Wish I'd thought of it.
Better struckthrough now than later.
Let's not pre-emptively get distracted by the partisan "but they did it too" line. This is very serious on its own and I hope some smart, attentive journos are standing by to interview Keith and make him famous
And this, Keith, is surely one of your most triumphant fiskings yet. Bravo, man.
My vote is with "seriously wilful bullshitting". These buffoons have no intention of telling the truth.
Ae. Failure is an attractive attribute of a tumour.
So if someone called Opiki Chick pops up soon we should be suspicious?
Cutting! Excuse me while I pull up a chair. This should be good.
I was at a party once (okay, probably more than once)
That's got to be a chapter title at least.
Ah, the rippping of Mr Pritchard. Been a while.
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