Posts by Sacha
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I figure Kerry's classmates deserve plenty of obscure insider references to keep em busy.
Though I'd believe that story if you were with Mr Beard, oddly enough.
Is backgammon that game involving waving of arms, womanising and loud techno? :)
Thanks muchly, Islander. Our host has my details.
I notice that 60 Minutes tonight has stories on both the Weatherston and Anbach cases.
I thought you were just showing off a new word in a scrabbley way. :)
Which reminds me, when was that short story of yours featuring a certain local neologism of ours going to be published?
Kerry, in light of our discussion in this thread about this site's design, it would be really interesting to hear how your classmates reckon Public Address achieves a different tone to Kiwiblog or The Standard for example. Fresh eyes, that sort of thing. Failing that, challenge em to sign up and leap in.
Probly waving his arms around and all.
I've always wondered what it sounds like inside one of those machines. Congrats at defusing this so well that I have nothing other than that to focus on. Maybe I need some of them Jessica Rabbit drops..
Not trying to make light of the situation or anything, but "pink-eyed, posturing pervert" is damn fine alliteration - and apposite.
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