Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Veitch,

    I understand that Kracklite's diagnosis upthread seemed a step too far to some of you -- at the same time as I think it rang true in light of the recent very public events in the media, and stuff I know that hasn't been public.

    It's difficult to know where to moderate a discussion like this, but I've been inclined to let things stand on grounds that they are producing valid discussion of how and when people get to bad places.

    I am now at the stage of feeling sorry for Veitch, but also marvelling at the extent to which someone's personality can lead astray people who were supposed to be his calm, professional helpers.

    In the end, many people are suffering out of this.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Are you kidding? The legal documentation about the original payment for work/compensation/hush money was leaked by 'Team Dunne-Powell' to almost every media outlet in the country, including the womens magazines.

    The summary of evidence to the police revealing that Veitch kicked her in the back while she was lying on the floor sure as hell wasn't given to Donna Chisholm at the SST by Glenda Hughes.

    I don't think you're correct, Danyl. This was the reporting at the time:

    However, Auckland police Detective Inspector Scott Beard said the information in the newspapers appeared to have come from a police summary, but such information had never been supplied by police.

    "The only people who have access to the police caption of summary are myself, the officer in charge of the case, the Crown and Mr Veitch and his team," he told Radio New Zealand.

    The Sunday News and the Herald on Sunday both led their stories on it with the news that Veitch had been charged with assault for throwing a glass of water oer Dunne-Powell (Jonathan Marshall called it "a bizarre new twist" to the story). Even Chisholm mentioned it in her second paragraph. The effect, and I don't think it was accidental, was to trivialise the original allegations.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    This just in:

    Sunday 19th April 2009

    The Sunday Programme has decided to cancel the interview Cameron Bennett did with Tony Veitch that was going to run on tonight’s show.

    “It doesn’t seem fair to Kristen Dunne-Powell or Tony Veitch to air the interview knowing now that it was filmed when Tony was obviously unwell and his state of mind was fragile”, said TVNZ Current Affairs Editor, John Gillespie.

    “Cameron Bennett and the Sunday team were upset to hear about Tony last night and agreed to the piece being pulled from air”.

    “We would like to pass on our best wishes to Tony for his convalescence and to the Veitch and Dunne-Powell families for the future”.



    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    You're kidding yourself if you think Dunne-Powell hasn't been extensively leaking to the media and been professionally groomed and coached before doing her media interviews.

    Uh, really Danyl? Can you point to a story clearly based on a leak from her? Do you have any basis for saying so, other than speculation? Do you really think that if she had been "extensively leaking to the media" over the past 10 months that Team Veitch wouldn't have come down on it like a ton of bricks?

    The only story I can think of that might be an out-and-out leak was Campbell Live's tip that the police were to search Veitch's house. But that seems unlikely -- it's hard to imagine that the police would directly inform the complaint as to date, time and location of a search. It sounds a lot more like a handy police source.

    Dunne-Powell has had Star PR, of which her then-employer, Woosh, was a client, to handle media enquiries, but she'd be a mug not to. I'd assume that at least initially, her employer would have paid the bills.

    The Herald's interview with her will probably have been conducted before Thursday, but obviously on the basis that it didn't run until afterwards.

    Has she had some media advice or interview coaching? Danyl, who in her position hasn't?

    And I do know that she maintained the story about having fallen down the stairs ("in high heels") both during and after her long absence from work at Vodafone -- to the point where people who dealt with her frequently were astonished when the truth emerged.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Uh, one of them has been keeping quiet throughout, you silly woman.

    I can't help but think they had Chatwin on the line to comment on their silly story about whether Westies are happy, and thought they'd get a Veitch quote too. It's that lame.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Sunday News is Tony's special friend today: it gets this preposterous story implying that Dunne-Powell couldn't have been so hurt if she was prepared to take a job at TVNZ, and filled out with various personal texts and emails between the pair, doubtless supplied by Team Veitch.

    Tony Wall in the Star Times seems somewhat appalled by his interview with Veitch:

    Veitch has spent a good part of the past nine months digging for dirt on his former partner, and it is made explicitly clear that a "goldmine" was discovered but cannot be revealed for legal reasons. It feels uncomfortable being told by someone who has just been convicted of kicking a woman in the back that nudge, nudge, wink, wink we've got heaps more on her and if it had gone to trial, she would have been "incredibly adversely affected".

    Indeed. And:

    He talks of his "momentary lapse" and how it was unacceptable, but seems incapable of making such a comment without once again emphasising how much he has suffered.

    As everyone by Tony Veitch and Glenda Hughes seems to realise, the past few days could have been very different for Veitch. He could have acknowledged what he'd done, without qualification or begging for pity, and begun to get on with the rest of his life.

    What has happened instead is a disaster, and I really think that there should have been people around him who could stop him doing it to himself.

    To say this has damaged the reputation of his media advisor, Glenda Hughes, is putting it mildly.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    I think it's becoming clear, if it wasn't before that people around Veitch have made, or allowed him to make, some terrible decisions.

    But like I said, I'm tired and I'm off to bed.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    I don't for a moment excuse the appalling thing he has done, but maybe it's time we all calm down and let the man get the help he needs.

    I completely agree, and I think that extends to the people around him. If this is a genuine bid, they need to put the media strategy to one side, dial everything down and see that he gets the help he needs. No more interviews, no more stupid "blood on the floor" rhetoric or cracks at Dunne-Powell, nothing. Whatever the truth, this is turning in some sort of horrorshow.

    And here, you may discuss the case and the issues and what's in the papers, but, please, show restraint.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,

    Just be mindful of boundaries, folks.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Veitch,


    The reporter on the Dunne-Powell story tomorrow is Jonathan Marshall, so it could appear in the Sunday News, the Star Times or both.

    The story that the Sunday News recently tried to go with concerned an old -- and, as far as I can tell, false -- rumour about Dunne-Powell's personal life. Even if it were true, I'd struggle to see its relevance for Team Veitch, other than to either intimidate or smear.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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