Posts by Sacha
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Thank you all for your lucid, insightful and humane posts about a tricky subject. Wasn't trying to be flippant or derailing last night, just nothing much to add and enjoying this constructive discussion after our rather more heated one last year.
Jane Clifton's DomPost tv review questions whether Dunne-Powell should have said anything at all. Clifton makes some striking assumptions about the goodwill of the public - but not of the media.
It's almost certain that most people wouldn't have thought she had behaved badly, or done anything from malicious motives - or that even if she had, she was so much more sinned-against than sinner that it really made little odds.
However, Dunne-Powell told 60 Minutes she was haunted by "misinformation" about her, in particular that she may have been venal and vindictive in accepting the money and then going to the police as well, and that it was she who had caused the story to be leaked.
She also offered the excuse of feeling a responsibility to speak out about domestic violence, to reassure other victims that it wasn't just poor or stupid women who became entrapped in "the spider's web the abuser spins around you".
And that's fair enough.
But what was probably going on here, too, was a desperate "Here I am - now will you go away?" offering to the pestilential media that has been, by her account, virtually spying on her since the affair was made public.
presented as fact (under a blazing headline) entirely anecdotal 'evidence' from a hardly disinterested source.
I believe Fran's "Mood of the Boardroom" would qualify all too well. Seductive lighting, candles and all.
I really don't get what's particularly egregious about the story compared with many others. Unless you can prove that Eddie's claims of a National party source are wrong, Craig, then we're in the same position with your "claims" here aren't we? And with mine and anyone else's.
Got to have some faith in people's ability to sniff out agendas - which is not that hard with the main blogsites surely. I note some backing down on the assertions that Eddie is the Labour comms person identifed earlier, but that's not hard fact either.
I tend to read these things as conversations rather than utterances - or is that a bias in itself?
Barnes ahead on that front already.
C'mon, metaphorically not literally. No wrong answers, extra points for wit.
I've oft wondered.
But what do blind people have?
Thanks, Emma. Is that last question ripe for its own Ministerial or OIA request?
Oh Sacha, why must you think the worst of people?
The best, you mean. Was admiring the commitment level.
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