Posts by Sacha
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Wasn't my personal point really, and I haven't done the issue justice at all. Generally, keeping things like that secret is too open to misuse by those with access to power. Just saying I can see the argument for not making the list public, though as Emma suggests it's an easy target to start with and then the list is likely to be extended into all sorts of areas that harm nothing other than people's prejudices.
Though I am mindful of the risk that non-harmful material may over time get added to the banned list by prigs and wowsers.
Is there an arrangement anywhere that works?
I don't see how a non-secret list of that type becomes anything other than a menu for perverts, sadly.
And I wouldn't be easier on any other PM, regardless of party or whatever. Genuine conservatives must be watching uneasily.
Number of previous NZ Ministers of the Crown sacked without public explanation: zero.
How hard would it be to say something generic like "lack of moral standards" or "he lied to me" and leave it at that. I do not want gosspiy details but it sets a pretty dangerous precedent if our leaders think they can get away with shit like this with no repercussions. Cheney for PM?
I figure it's not linkwhoring if someone does it for you. :)
Can I recommend Mr Harris' lengthy post about this topic a few months back. From a rare perspective.
And I shall put my money where my mouth is by joining him in spirits shortly.
I prefer addled insights from our drinking friend.
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