Posts by Sacha
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I have now read the Standard story and its tedious comments secton.
Last Monday, John Key said you, the people of New Zealand, don’t have the right to know why a minister in your government was sacked.
We think you do have that right. And so do others. We have been told the reason from sources in and around the National party.
That seems a pretty confident assertion about the source of the information, and we are now told it is made by a senior Labour comms person who might plausibly have access to moles in National.
That does not mean it is true. That also does not make it equivalent to the vapid or vicious witterings elsewhere, and protesting so would suggest other motivations at play. However, I really do not care. As you were, chaps.
everything he's achieved has been without the help of botox.
Frequent midwinter dips in those budgie-smugglers.
David, you could work your way around many of our people of influence, weaving webs of most believable whimsy. Another PAS book?
... is now the top google result for "real guttered"
See, who needs Rochelle Rees?
planning to get plastered
Do keep posting..
Bugger - responding to Steve. Agree with Legbreak that title provides implicit ironic cover.
I think that's going too far.
I am looking forward a story featuring both Lockwood and Bollard..
Is Lambchop at all related to Porkchop in the Wail universe?
Damn, too slow today.
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