Posts by Sacha
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And Harry Sinclair and Don McGlashan to croon from the deckchairs.
Yeah, I popped that one over on Emma's thread about Filament. Female editor saying it too.
We share the load. Some read whaleboy..
I've seen some with "403" on em.
imagine having that on your coinage
So optimistic exaggeration is timeless?
Actually, NBH is right - and it's a more successful example too, leading to ethnicity measurement being officially reviewed again and a whole lot of our compatriots not knowing the difference between nationality and ethnicity. Hobson would be proud.
chase some kids off my lawn
Astroturf, of course.
any time that anyone has paid any significant attention to the number of invalid ballots returned for anything
Kyle, the Jedi census write-in response is possibly the closest. But that had tremendous pop cultural backing going for it (picture a three-decade, multi-billion dollar marketing campaign). And a slot marked "Other" to fill in, rather than a closed ballot form.
Off-topic but Fran O'Sullivan reckons our government should be leaning on banks to bail out those poor dairy farmers.
How novel to suggest privatising the profits and socialising the losses. Original headline online was "Govt needs to assist dairy sector", since changed to "Govt needs to show leadership on dairy".
Too late to do either properly and inclusively, which is more the issue. We always get a trade-off presented as inevitable when it doesn't have to be.
Can't see Ngati Whatua agreeing to another tree until the matter of their place at the new regional table is resolved, either.
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