Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    That home taping was a non-event, perhaps even a positive for the recording industry is pretty much accepted.

    I think someone else mentioned Casey Kasem's American Top 40 upthread. I used to sit there on Sunday afternoons with my finger on the record button of the radiocassette machine.

    I missed Patti Smith's 'Because the Night' one week -- the first time I'd heard her, and pretty much a mindfuck -- and prayed it would still be Top 40 the next. (No worries -- it peaked at #13.) And I played it and played it. I was 15.

    Of course, I also played and played 'Dust in the Wind' by Kansas, and to be honest, a lot of the music I had on tape in my early and mid teens I'd regard as a form of torture now. Supertramp? Uriah Heep? The Eagles?

    But I think it was all part of becoming a music listener. When punk rock turned up and we finally had a little money, me and my mates were primed.

    We did have a good music retail environment to come into. Being able to go and order records on import from Tony Peek at the University Bookshop made things seem special. We generally wouldn't buy the same records -- we weren't flush enough to double-up.

    I've observed to local record company people that if they did somehow attain an undefeatable anti-copying technology they'd have to start giving away music the following morning. The viral aspects of how we become stakeholders in popular music should not be underrated.

    So you don't want to lose that, ever. But you also want to lay a path to people who use music making good on the benefit it gives them. It might not lead exclusively to retail sales, but it should be there.

    PS: Having set a torch to my music cool, I should point out that the first record I ever bought with my own money (actually, with a record token from my dad's work's Christmas party in Greymouth) was 'Out on the Street' by Space Waltz. That's got to count for something ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    I suspect too many people assume motherboard and chuck them when it is only the DC in board which is a piece of piss to replace and we paid £39 all up. Much cheaper than the £500 Vis wanted for a motherboard. If you still have the beast, give it a go.

    That really does sound like my iBook. I'm wondering how easy it would be to order the part though. And is there a diagram somewhere of the part in situ?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    incluing 10 days ago a new DC in board in a G4 iBook which turned it (with help from a new battery and power supply) from a brick that might start up, for 10seconds into a singing dancing portable laptop again

    I'm pretty sure that's what sank my old G4 iBook -- after I'd forked out for a new battery and power supply. It was eventually regarded as a motherboard replacement job -- and therefore prohibitively expensive.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    (and how great was it watching those two guys stepping so deftly around the twirling sirens?)

    There was just enough choreography and just enough pottering. I liked the guys a lot.

    we coulda taken even more intensity and volume at some point. but then we may also be slightly deafer than the average punter through 25 years of exposure to excessive live rock volume he he...

    Ha. They should just turn the late show up to 11 by default.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    I'd just like to say that home taping -- both from the radio and from my mate's big bro's collection -- got me hooked on popular music, and led me to go on and spend tens of thousands of dollars with the music industry.

    I am unable to shake this habit and spend money with this industry every single week.

    Do I get a slice 'o them fees?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    That Unix users aren't very helpful? Yeh, I think he's probably getting that point :-)

    Dude, there are four other computers in the house: one running Linux and three Macs.

    The bloody Windows box is the only one that plays all the cool games.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    Well, we got the SP1 installer to chug all the way through its process after launching Vista into safe mode this time.

    And then we got the "SP1 did not install -- reverting changes now" message.

    The PC came with Vista installed, but we also had a copy of Vista Ultimate and used that for the re-install last week.

    It really is miserable.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    Turns out Leo had already downloaded SP1 this morning, so he set it installing.

    It fucking bluescreened.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Siren song,

    By running Vista you've already crossed the unduly courageous line!

    Leo will give you chapter and verse on that one ...

    I must say, I'm struck by how weird and difficult Microsoft makes it.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Wrong. Wronger. Wrongerest.,

    Staying with our theme, Mr Litterick has a delightful post on Brian Leyland's latest dispatch from the margins of climate denial in the Herald:

    Of course, there is more to Mr Leyland's argument than a reckless notion of "risk." Yes, indeed. He also has that first refuge of a scoundrel, Google numbers. Carbon trading fraud is a real risk and you can see why: an internet search of "carbon trading fraud" gets about 300,000 hits. So, there. QED. Well, no, not exactly. The phrase "carbon trading fraud," put into Google with those pesky quotation marks, produced 203 pages for me. The same words thrown in at random revealed 292,000 pages. That's search engines for you: throw in random stuff, get random stuff out; then publish random stuff as if it proves something. Anyone can do it, and here's how: I searched for catholic treacle factory and received 12,500 pages, in English and Italian. Alarmed, I then searched for corset training feature and received 99,000 pages. Unable to restrain myself, I searched for criminal trope fund and received 21,200 results. Clearly, there is cause for concern.


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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