Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    Worse things have 'appened at sea y'know

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    on TV3 they are now playing the music video of Always look on the bright side of life. Good on 'em

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    I'm just watching the TV3 review show and in the background all you can here are car horns and celebrations. It's actually drowning out Mike McRoberts.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Quantum Competition,

    So who's going to win the NPC then?


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    McDonald isn't a massive linebreaker

    In the 2006 Super 14 Leon MacDonald finished the regular season with the most linebreaks. I know, we weren't expecting it either.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    Except that Mils isn't our best fullback. Leon's numbers are much better.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Fish,

    I recommend the Maid Cafes. Or at least the one my girlfriend and I went to. Awesome food and not as sleazy as you would expect. This is what I wrote about them last year:

    We had some time to kill and decided to go to a maid café today. I thought it was going to be a horrible sleazy place filled with chain-smoking geeks glistening with sweat leering at the poor girls, and so I had dismissed the idea out of hand. But then I noticed that our official guide to Tokyo (issued by the local council) had an ad for one on it. The place was called @Home and was three levels of restaurant, café and lobby.

    To be honest it was lovely. The food was some of the best we have had in Tokyo and the service was, naturally, excellent. It was more of a modern take on the traditional tea house. The “maids” tottered around on wooden sandals and in kimono and would serve people tea and make chit-chat. There was one corner that had tatami and you could get an honest to goodness tea ceremony. The only weirdness was that you could get your photo taken with your favourite maid and that they kept calling you “master”.

    There were also quite a few female patrons, both the tittering school girl kind and the hipster ironic kind. There was a show in the middle that seemed to be some kind of comedy sketch but upstairs in the lobby you could purchase merchandise, including a cd they had made. Still ranks as weird, but it was a cool Japanese experience.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    Our front row is excellent, and due props for that

    Boom boom!

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    Brilliant breakdown dropkicks - Ms Nelson must be anxious about her well deserved spot at the top of the empirical pile.

    Not a chance. We "interviewed" Tracey last year for the podcast and I really do mean "interviewed". I just said "hello" and she went and rattled off hundreds of stats and analysis for like 10mins, it was the best interview we ever did (even better than the psychic!).

    Tracey is easily the best.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    Sometime in the lead up to New Year's Eve 1999-2000 TVNZ did a poll of "10 Worst Disasters of the 20th Century". I swear to God "Losing the World Cup" was on the list.
    It was after that, that we gained some perspective (i think)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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