Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    And of course Allez blues is three syllables, Hadyn you fool (my point is still valid!)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    the crowd chanting Allez Bleus

    That could backfire, I mean the All Blacks don't know French (apart from Anton) and so would hear a two syllable chant that sounds a lot like "All Blacks, All Blacks"

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    I remain an optimist though, and refer back to the first Dropklck World Cup post, which said of the Argentine-France match "this has upset written all over it" and also picked an NZ - SA final. Holden' ya to that.

    heh, is this a bad time to mention that we are not responsible for any bets made on our advice.

    I would've said that the Irish in the crowd would support the All Blacks after France beat them in the 6 Nations AND the World Cup.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    And thanks RL, the Dropkicks were looking for that the other night

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    I'm half-expecting someone to jump in with that thing about domestic violence rising sharply when the ABs lose. Which if it's true

    Don't worry, it's not, thank goodness.

    In our defence ("our" being much like Stephen's "we") at least we don't hate/hurt/kill supporters of opposition teams like some football supporters in England and South America and Europe. When we lose we hate ourselves not our opponents, which has to be a slightly good thing...doesn't it?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    When the ABs win a match, as they sometimes do, by what I would say was a very good margin, 10 points or so, the rugby analysts start in. Why the need to be so critical, I wonder?

    Well at least we're consistent :)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: Bigger than us,

    We'll never go as far as the South Americans because of the previously mentioned

    the alleged Kiwi qualities of pragmatic individualism, distrust of pretension and excessive enthusiasm and (above all else) just keeping things in perspective

    I think the reason why we get more of the

    "The All Black sucked! F'ing XXX and stupid YYY can't pass/throw/kick/tackle"

    style of commentary is perhaps because ::cough:: we are so good.

    If we were Scotland, who has never beaten the All Blacks and we came within 3 points but still lost, we'd be happy. We would have just measured ourselves against the best team in the world and found ourselves to be pretty close.

    But when you support the best team in the world (and the All Blacks have been for some time now) you almost instinctively have to blame someone in the team for any loss. Past the knee-jerk reaction and after a cup of tea we should be able to say more about the reasons for the loss, unfortunately many in our MSM only report the knee-jerk and nothing else.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    btw, i just saw this via Nathan Rarere

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    I don't understand the fascination with McAlister over Mauger, who I think is exactly the person you'd want in the backline come crunch time in the big games - reliable, experienced, less likely to make fatal errors.

    If McAlister throws just one of those loopy bloody passes, I'm gonna...actually I hadn't thought all the way to the end of this sentence...I dunno, write a letter! I was expecting it centres to be Mauger and Muliaina.

    And yes Charles, "Trawling" not "Trolling". Trolling the internet, whole different thing.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Speaker: God is in the numbers,

    The biggest mistake in the post went un-noticed for quite some time: the link at the bottom should read go to
    Apologies to those who were sent into the wilderness.

    Also if anyone can get me all of the player stats I would lurve to analyse them.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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