Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    __where did you come from if not Auckland?__

    Timaru! :)

    It must be true if it says so in Wikipedia ...

    Actually, dubmugga and I were teenagers in the same town.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    Last i heard, kapisi was a fat old atheist irrelevent to the current generation.

    Just saw him at Pasifika flogging his clothing line. He seemed in good form.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    *sigh* if only you werent just brown in name only what a different story you'd tell...

    Well, yes. If your complaint is that my experience isn't your experience, I can't do much about that ...

    Not bad for a native of milton sth otago.

    Indeed. Nicely done.

    PS: I took out an unnecessary and probably defamatory reference to someone else from your post. Chill out dude, feel that sunny Nelson vibe ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    There are other factors in the destruction of Telecom's shareholders' wealth, like the AAPT disaster, but the general short-term attitude of the management should be sheeted home to the short-term attitude of the owners.

    I agree. And for a long time, that short-term attitude was actually applauded. I keep coming back to Peter Harris's report for the CTU in 1996, which quantified the drying up of capital investment in Telecom long before it was fashionable to do so.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    This far down the line, it's probably not apparent that the opening lines are a reference to Stephen Stratford's much-discussed 'Talkin' 'Bout My Generation' Metro cover story in 1990.

    Which isn't at all to say it was a response. His story was a j'accuse directed at the dreary right-on uniformity of his PC peers.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    What on earth possessed you to re-publish an 8 year old navel-gazing fluff piece like that? That type of writing proves that you are Gen X and that Gen X is a lot closer to baby boomerism than you would probably care to admit.

    I did it to annoy you.

    My favourite line though has to be about getting a better cheap feed in Auckland than in London. Yes, that's the whole point of food. Quantity over quality.

    I don't think I said that at all. I was referring to fresher, better food at more reasonable prices than applied at "good" restaurants in the likes of London and New York. I'd been taken to some fashionable restaurants in New York and decided I'd have done better at home.

    I have to say, however, that if I read anything half as good as that in Metro in 2009 I would probably drop dead from shock

    You like me after all!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    I remember the "Funky Seaside Village" article when it was first published, and it's one I've often thought about over the years. I remember how wonderful it was to read something about Auckland that was so optimistic.

    Thanks Robyn. You'll recall that at the time, the media agenda was being dominated by moaning bores, while, as I say in the essay, the city was rocking. It was nice to have the chance to say so.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    Oh how the mighty have fallen. Look upon ye works, Ms Gattung, and kindly go kill yourself!

    Keep it seemly, Matthew. That's a little untoward.

    Oddly enough, among the people to contact me in appreciation of the original essay was ... Theresa Gattung. We had a cordial exchange of emails.

    She didn't seem to have taken offence at the crack about The (Landmark) Forum, despite it being a covert reference to her fondness for sending her management teams to that particular rescue service for people who forgot to have a life when they were 23.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    Some of the cheapest and fastest internet in the world?
    Wow, how things have changed.... :D

    Funny thing is, it was true at the time. I was probably the first DSL customer in Pt Chev, and Telecom was actually ahead of the game with 2Mbit/s service. Then it all stood still ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Funky Seaside Village Revisited,

    That's great - always good to have a perspective on things. How about an update? I'd like you to review where you see things NOW! Puh-leeze?

    That's the plan, along with a discussion here. I'll just need a little time to get things done.

    Apart from anything else, my iMac's hard drive died yesterday. I have backup and the nice folk at Wired Dog should have a new drive fitted by mid-afternoon, but it has interrupted my flow a bit.

    Also, going to see Greg Johnson play in the Spiegeltent last night and having wine poured most generously into my cup has left me a little sub-optimal today.

    The Spiegeltent is, as we say in rock 'n' roll, a good room. It sounds very warm, and there was a point in the gathering dusk outside when the light inside was just gorgeous.

    Funniest thing: debating whether the tall, bespectacled man in the booth next to ours was famous comedian Greg Proops. I raised it again as we left and a woman who been seated in the same booth said "No, he's not. I had to ask him."

    I mentioned to it Greg Johnson afterwards, and he said it was in fact his friend, well-known winemaker Kim Crawford. Auckland story for you.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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