Posts by Naly D

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  • Field Theory: Must be some guy that Lester,

    Lastly: dumbest idea ever. Take something quintessentially American and instead play it in England.

    Cough... Cough... COUGH

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A time of imagination,

    I'll agree with you on Kobe.

    I think you should click the link and you'll learn what my answer was.

    As for McCullum, I don't like Australian cricketers. McCullum I picked for his consistency as a wicketkeeper and the fact that when he's on his A-Game he will kick ass, but even when he isn't he'll get around the 40's.

    @Simon Telfer: To be honest I don't know why I said him. I've just got to stick with what I said on record, where he was the first name that came to my head in a situation where the others had had ten minutes to be able to think about theirs. I wanted to say Theo Walcott but couldn't remember his name [and my head doesn't work like Google]. But I've gotta stick with Crouch. He doesn't win games, but he distributes the ball and stands out in the team photo. And if the keeper gets injured, he can cover the goal in a stride. And if my NBA pick is injured, he can fill in, not as a in his position but still. And he can be a lock in my rugby team at a push.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A time of imagination,

    Oh and Rugby League: Manu Vatuvei

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: A time of imagination,

    Basketball: If you've been following KoBron Watch you'll know who I pick.

    Rugby: Leilea Masaga/Israel Dagg

    Football: Peter Crouch. [And I'm a ManU fan]

    Cricket: Brendon McCullum for his dual-abilities as keeper and batsman.

    NFL: Ladanian Tomlinson or Ray Lewis

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: It's the Super 14, baby!,

    it's too early for Rugby.

    Club rugby season now finishes just as the grounds are getting good. I love playing, but I hate having a big fuck-off blister where the stud is by my big toe on both feet for the rest of the week.

    Of course, if I were in S14 I'd be playing on proper pitches.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: It's the Super 14, baby!,

    @Daniel Wilton
    I can't help but completely disagree. The only problem I have with the actual rugby at the moment is that forwards aren't having enough to do. I first noticed it with my club team, but now that I've picked it up I can see it in S14, internationals etc. Anything with ELV's.

    What it is is that the forwards on the attacking team don't need to commit as many to the ruck any more. So they hang out in the backline and ruin all our moves!

    Two referees in union would be a ridiculous idea. Sorry, but the prospect of Stu Dickinson and Matt Goddard officiating the same match is like a black hole of hair pulling for me.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: It's the Super 14, baby!,

    these things have never changed

    No, but petrol prices have.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: It's the Super 14, baby!,

    I think the media, NZRU, SANZAR and unions have been approaching the 'problems' facing rugby incorrectly. I like to think [and have been telling a few people lately] that there's three tiers of problems.
    A. Problems with the game
    These are things like;
    * The fact that there is no fan buy-in with rugby anymore. Following my post on Ken Block, a friend had a go at me for giving him focus, saying that 'he's a crap rally driver'. I agreed. I then pointed out to him that I'd simply pointed out that he's a good ambassador for the sport, because he gets fans who like him. They'll eventually realise that he's shit, but then they'll move on to other drivers. [I backed this up with the argument that this friend originally liked the Shell V8 Supercar team, then Steven Richards and Castrol Perkins, then when Richards swapped to Ford he started following Garry Rogers] This used to happen with union. Remember Bull Allen? Christian Cullen? Jeff Wilson? Joeli Vidiri? Etc etc. The days where rugby players had personality are long gone - Ali Williams has shown glimpses of it, but not enough. [Don't get me started on my 'V8 Supercars are dependent on sponsors and they can say controversial things, or that they're gonna beat the pants off a dude/team, so why can't rugby players' argument]

    * A lack of provincial engagement. The Highlanders picked up on this, but the Canes, Blues, Crusaders and Chiefs haven't really. The reason I think the Canes used to get such a good crowd was because people from Palmy etc had no problem travelling down for big matches. They also had their own match every year. But when that was removed Palmy residents kinda turned around and said 'well stuff you then'.

    Then there's the by-products of rugby which are mainly local issues, like

    * The fact that the Blues play their games two hours after peak traffic time on Fridays. This means that workers, if they want to get changed etc, have to sit in traffic, go home, get changed and leave straight away. Oh and the lack of parking around Eden Park could have something to do with it too. Then you've got the issue of travel for Highlanders fans too.

    Then there're the 'why the fuck are you still arguing about it' issues.

    * Rucking. The game has evolved since rucking was commonplace. You think it will solve cheating at the ruck? No way.
    Also, how're you going to feel when Carter/Weepu/Bowden/Donald is caught at the bottom of their first ruck of the season and get their backs cut open like a whale involved in 'scientific research'?

    There's more, in my opinion, but I can't be arsed writing them. I've been meaning to blog this for a while. But I'm lazy.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's the voice,

    Oh and top-tier motorsport hasn't really expanded over my lifetime [unless you're an IRL or A1GP fan]
    1991 Formula 1: 16 races
    2009 Formula 1: 17 races
    1991 Australian Touring Car Championship: 12 races
    2009 V8 Supercar Series: 14 races
    1996-97 Indy Racing League: 10 races
    2009 Indy Racing League: 17 races
    1991 A1GP: 0 Races
    2009 A1GP: 8 races
    1991 NASCAR: 29 races
    2009 NASCAR: 37 races

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's the voice,

    Time was, on a cold rainy saturday or sunday you could always turn on the telly and watch a good movie in the afternoon.
    Nowadays all there is is motor racing. BOOR - RING !

    Yeah I'm not sure about that one. TV3 used to show 3 Sport Motorsport from 12 - 6 every Sunday and Shell Helix/Powerbuilt Tools Motorsport has been hosted by Geoff Bryan for the past 9 years [from 3 - 6] but I'm reasonably certain that there used to be something before then.

    An re: Motorsport NZ I presume he was meaning costs to actually run in the sport.

    And yeah, Brent's right. SKY has F1, Indy, NASCAR, WRC and a couple of other motorsports, while free-to-air has [at last count] Netball, Basketball, A1GP, NZV8s, V8 Supercars and golf and rugby highlights. Oh and one-off things like the ASB Classic.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

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