Posts by Naly D

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  • Field Theory: He's the voice,

    I know that I'm more or less on my own in disagreeing with this opinion, but I just wanted to raise the point that the V8 Supercars have two [of the three they have] of the best sports commentators in the sporting world. Neil Crompton and Mark Skaife. Skaife is great for the fact he can supply technical knowledge of the curent car model [having only retired last year] and Crompton is also an ex-driver.
    They manage to juggle the informative commentary for those who are watching their first race with the more in-depth stuff for those who [like me] have been lifelong followers. Oh, and then there's the times they'll just stuff around and joke with each other.

    I hate F1 commentary though. And A1GP.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: You'll Never Walk Alone,

    One of my minor papers this year, sports history, and it suggests that rioting at sports matches was a great drawcard in the 18th and 19th century [I mean, look at the Eton Wall Game] and was even encouraged at top level. Apparently it was the media's shift to cover live sport and wish to not be associated with violence which led to the gradual decline in hooliganism.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: You'll Never Walk Alone,

    The reaction to the speech given by Secretary of Culture and Sport Andy Burnham was touching, I think, and a reminder of the very raw feelings and animosity still held toward the authorities.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    We just rewatched Hush with the kids, and it was as I remembered it - creepy and hysterically funny.

    That mime of the staking is the funniest thing ever and yes also a super creepy episode. Then again how can you go wrong with weird guys in suits taking people's voices

    That's the only episode of Buffy I ever watched, are you guys saying they weren't all that scary?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    that includes the Blink episode with the statues which scared me more than anything else I've seen as an adult.

    Blink was so well written.

    Video games is a whole new can of worms.
    I still haven't finished Silent Hill 2. The Silent Hill games are amazing.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    Ooo ooo ooo yes Signs! Scared the shit out of me. I first saw it at a friend's when it first came out on video [I was about 14, DVD's were only just getting big] and it freaked me out, man. I had to go home like 20 minutes before the end, so when I saw it years later I was utterly disappointed.

    So I'm curious, some people are referring to horror movies as 'freaking' them out. In that case is Begotten a horror movie? I always thought of it as just being straight up fucked.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,


    Wai thank yew kaind sah

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    Oh and when Resident Evil ripped off De Lift I was a bit sad too [the scene with the beheading]

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Things that go bump in the…,

    Ahhh fudge I always miss the coolest discussions.
    Scary movies are like spicy food to me. I hate them, but I love the feeling you get while watching/eating them. The adrenalin, suspense etc.

    Two movies I had the misfortune of being shown as an under-5-year-old were De Lift and Arachnophobia. I think these explain my deep-seated fear of lifts and spiders...

    28 days was good, I liked 28 weeks more the second time I saw it. It's got some good touches. The Descent is probably the best scary movie I've seen in a wee while. I was really, really, really annoyed with Cloverfield for ripping off the 'hey lets show the monsters that can't be seen through the camera's night vision' scene.

    Genuinely 100% scary movies don't exist I don't think. There's just differing genres which freak people out a little. People who are queasy don't like gore flicks like Saw, Hostel etc. Those who analyse can't handle thrillers, because they build themselves up too much. Eventually all of them fall into hollywood conventions and can't be discerned from one another.

    As for King, my family has a lot of his books. I liked Needful Things, especially the scene where the two guys club each other to death with baseball bats. And there's a short-story collection I've always wanted to read again. It's black and one of the stories is about a guy who is in a competition where you've gotta keep walking along a road or you get killed. I wish I knew its name so I could read it again. Can anyone help?

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

  • Field Theory: The old mail bag,

    Subject: Get in Shape

    Dear Ali,
    I'm a long-time fan of yours. The way you leap and bound around the field used fill me with inspiration and the hope that one day I will also be an All Black Lock.
    Then I saw your gut. I've got to say I expected more. I thought a man who dresses up as Spiderman and breaks up brawls would have a four-pack at least. I figured your torso would be like Peter Andre in his prime.
    But no. Sort your shit out and get in shape mate.

    Mucho gracias,
    Dyl-... Hadyn, yeah go kill Hadyn.

    Wellington • Since Sep 2008 • 307 posts Report

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