Posts by reece palmer

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  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    All fair comment of course, as it is we would have recognised batsmen to 7 guys who can bat a bit at 8 and 9 and our current sharp end in 10 and 11 more than enough bowling to cover any eventuality. Oram produced again last night, Mcmillan didn't. Styris will when he returns, hopefully tomorrow. how about a chance for Jesse Ryder?

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    those dropped catches kind of matter now don't they?

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    well they made 343 so we're up against it, but you naver know.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    Like I said in the mindless tradition...

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    I think its a combination of several of those things and others too. A while back he was publicly keen to go past the world cup, I like the abbreviation 'cos on current form thats where the black caps will end up, down the WC. It's not too late the coach has had a couple of selection choices forced upon him by injury and it is obvious what effect one or two players can have on a game. I don't actually think it is all bracewell. Fleming has to shoulder quite a goodly proportion of the responsibility for a lack of onfield leadership. His captaincy is quite plainly not what it once was. He should be selected on batting form (when he finds some). My captain is the obvious choice, Vettori. A player who is at the peak of his powers. Which means that currently fleming and vincent will open. But, where's the chance for Jesse ryder? he's shown some good touch domestically, we know though that domestic cricket in nz is a largish step back from the international game, whereas in oz at the moment it's probably a slight step down. I'd back any of the sheffield shield sides against england at the moment, in fact I'd back the Grafton United one day 6b 'Fat Boys' against england (I bat at eleven).

    So in the mindless tradition of armchair fans, here's the team that should play today.

    1 Lou Vincent
    2 Peter Fulton
    3 Stephen Fleming
    4 Ross Taylor
    5 Scott Styris
    6 Jacob Oram
    7 Brendan McCullum
    8 Daniel Vettori (c)
    9 James Franklin
    10 Mark Gillespie
    11 Shane Bond
    12 Andre Adams
    Sub Field Hamish Marshall

    Styris bowls through his spell early on (first change) goes off for fielding sub marshall (which is what he is good at) then come back on at the death so he can bat. Anyone genuinely injured is replaced by allrounder adams.

    If this team takes the field against Australia today we will win.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: There's a funny bit at the…,

    Who's up for a bit of Idiocy in the wrestling ring at summer series tomorrow? I lay the challenge down here and now!

    Please don't hurt me.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Southerly: Summer of The L.e.d.s,

    The real problem with planning in NZ not just Auckland is that it is always influenced by these pesky things called elections. Our planners do come up with some pretty cool ideas but they are too this or too that and the pollies with their self interest to the fore as always wont go for it. Were a banana republic in waiting.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: There's a funny bit at the…,

    I had a similar experience at the old Lang Park in Brisvegas. The occasion was the national final of the NSL before all the changes. The locals were playing a team from sydney by way of Croatia, I think it may have been Sydney F.C. their supporters were seriously nasty and took delight in disrupting the mainly white middle class families that had come along to support a team no-one held much help of winning (but did 2-0). The crowning moment was when one of the away supporters was being escorted to the exit by the constabulary and giving the home crowd a mouthful, when a kid sitting in front of me about 10-12 hurled a 4n20 mince and cheese from about twenty metres away on the terraces. It sailed gently on the breeze rotating slowly, and struck the clown full on the face. He got the rasberry from about 5000 people, the two policemen momentarily lost their hold on him as they were laughing so much.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: There's a funny bit at the…,

    Check out this nut job, in particular look at the eyes...

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Random Play: Rock Follies,

    It would seem that Pastor Brian has some competition in the battle for your soul...

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

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