Posts by reece palmer

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  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    members of our team have previously posted to publicaddress, and have experienced being censored from the site, hence our comment on this post.

    an excerpt from their reply, so who are they RB? enquiring minds want to know.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,


    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    Like RB said, there are some horrific stories told there and some horrifically told stories too.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    I know you don't want to have anything to do with them but they are lying about you RB.

    Cyfswatch responds
    "The Publicaddress website is a poor example of "intelligent debate" - the site does not allow people to post comments or provide feedback!"

    So I got out my virtuapen (which is reputed to be mightier than a sword) and smote them thus,

    This is an out and out lie. had you done even the barest of research you would know that once registering, (they do encourage you to use your real name, maybe thats the bit you're unhappy with)
    that anyone with a valid email address can post comments to this site in fact every blog post has a link to the discussion forums and a reply function to correspond with the author.
    Next time you feel your knee about to jerk, check your facts first. You wouldn't want to cheapen the people who have genuine grievances with cyf through your lassez faire attitude to the truth?

    You would do well to follow your own advice;

    in the absence of any research with, or interviews of the disaffected parties regarding the cases, or the issues at hand is secondary abuse, and just a wee bit assumptive.

    If you don't know what you are talking about which it seems is the case when referring to the publicaddress weblog it's probably best to engage brain. Or are you one of those people who opens their mouth to change feet?

    Also thanks for the technical upgrade on the last pdf linky thing. One last thing whens the next great blend and can I pre register now?

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    my airport card picks it up no probs

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    also free wireless hotspots at many caltex filling stations throughout country, free to xtra customers and I'm sure you'll come across one of those on your travels.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    ps; we do well by taking the pace off the ball making the batsmen play shots and frustrating them.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    they did innovate sort of with the power plays and that was effective though wasn't it. We are good at tying the innings down in the mid stages most of the time. we did well with the part timers keeping it tight. astle used to be excellent for that as did harris and others. Now it looks to be vettori and patel doing it. If styris can contribute along those lines we'll be looking much brighter.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: In other news, the sky is falling,

    Yes well the Ho'S pinched about a third of their staff from the sunday news so the quality of 'journalism' shouldn't be a surprise.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    I'll challenge you on the Fleming captaincy issue. While his batting is obviously well short of where it needs to be, I think his handling of the bowlers in this tournament has been as good as ever.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

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