Posts by reece palmer

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  • Random Play: Rock Follies,


    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Random Play: Rock Follies,

    Ok then, just cos you asked for it, the full extended lyrics to 'I am Brian'

    Sing along if you know the tune,

    I am Brian, hear me roar
    In jackets too big to ignore
    And I know too much to go back an' pretend
    'cause I've said it all before
    And faked piety on the floor
    No one's ever gonna keep me down again

    Oh yes you must tithe
    Ev’ry weekend you will pay
    10 percent’s the price
    And look how much I’ve gained
    If I have to, I can buy anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am Brian

    You can bend but never break me
    'cause it only serves to make me
    More determined to achieve financial goals
    And I come back even richer
    Pretty soon you’ll get the picture
    'cause you've signed away all your childrens souls

    Oh yes you must tithe
    Ev’ry weekend you will pay
    10 percent’s the price
    And look how much I’ve gained
    If I have to, I can buy anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am Brian

    I am Brian watch me grow
    See me standing toe to toe
    As I spread my lovin' arms across the land
    But I'm still a humble pastor
    With just one thing to ask ya
    Can you put that lovely cash right in my hand

    Oh yes you must tithe
    Ev’ry weekend you will pay
    10 percent’s the price
    And look how much I’ve gained
    If I have to, I can buy anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am Brian

    Oh, I am Brian
    I am invincible
    I am strong
    I am Brian (Fades)
    I am invincible
    I am strong
    I am Brian

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Random Play: Rock Follies,

    Get the all new top ten tunes to save your soul* from Pastor Brian Tamaki!
    The first single is a remake of the Helen Reddy girl power anthem, I am Woman here's the first verse and chorus to 'I am Brian'

    I am Brian, hear me roar
    In jackets too big to ignore
    And I know too much to go back an' pretend
    'cause I've said it all before
    And faked piety on the floor
    No one's ever gonna keep me down again

    Oh yes you must tithe
    Ev'ry weekend you will pay
    10 percent’s the price
    And look how much I've gained
    If I have to, I can buy anything
    I am strong (strong)
    I am invincible (invincible)
    I am Brian

    *Soul reains property of Pastor Brian until you cough up.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Summer Holiday,

    Yeah, I've seen what to my untrained soccer eye look like some mean as latin and asian players down at viccy park on a saturday or sunday, skills to burn.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Draped in their flag,

    But what I have seen is many people including myself prefacing some of their messages with, RB feel free to delete this if you disagree or such like and it never is.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Draped in their flag,

    Not one to put words into his mouth, but I can't recall ever seeing anyones stuff removed that is to say seeing it, then no longer being able to see it, of course I wouldn't be able to see it once removed because it's no longer there. See?

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Random Play: Rock Follies,

    Graeme Burton,

    I fought the law and the law won.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Island Life: Dick Headley: noun or adverb?,

    Point 1,
    I think adverb becausethey are just playing into the hands of the beaurocrats. Shouldn't it be about what is best for the child not mums dads or anyone elses ego. Here's that website that the state is trying to shut down, some horror stories both against the agencies and their functionaries and some of the poor unfortunates who just cant articulate themselves to properly tell their story and come off sounding... well judge for yourself.

    Point 2,
    none because it already is being mentioned here

    Point 3,

    Telecom are a monopoly they can and will do as they please, although if you call and rant a bit you can get them to do some stuff they said they would albeit grudgingly, with a pseudo telling off from the one human that works there.

    Point 4,

    Almost every night they have a segment called great moments in presidential speeches, it opens with JFK and FDR then cut to furious george, hilarious.

    Point 5,

    You're not really going to complain about pollies scoring cheap points off the back of something they take completely out of context are you? That's their stock in trade. Where would winston, jim, gerry trevor and co get their material from?

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Random Play: Rock Follies,

    How about that recent anthem to the brown lemonades, Metallica did a cover of the Deja Voodoo song 'beers' there were only subtle changes made but they are said to reflect Lars' attitude to napster et al. The kids weren't quite sure what to make of this release but downloaded it any way. The true message of the song comes through in their chorus;

    I would give you one of my beemers, but I've only got six
    you know I don't like peer to peer, and I've only got six

    Those not fluent in the slang of 'iconic mega super rock gods' (in the words of Lars) a beemer is a german automobile of which Lars has six. apparently.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    All right nz! a win by 90 runs plus the bonus point too!

    About Bloody Time

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

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