Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    Hmmm. My black gravatar ain't showing on Twitter.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    Heh. Russell entered link data the wrong way round.

    Uh? The link to the black gravatar file works fine for me.

    Is something else broken?

    Update: Oh. Duh. The link to Gravatar was broken. Fixed now.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    Hmmm, not seeing a change here on your gravatar, Russ. Still the orange microphone to me

    Empty cache?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    Oh, and if you don't see your sexy black new gravatar, you'll want to empty your browser cache and try again.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    You'll notice that my gravatar has changed. It's black.

    This is part of a mass protest about the impending coming into force of Section 92(A) of the Copyright Act, which requires ISPs (that definition is very wide indeed) to show plans to terminate the internet access of any customers accused of copyright infringement.

    You can change yours by going to Gravatar and logging in.

    To get a black gravatar image, you can right-click and download this file.

    Don't fret about changing it. Your existing image will stay on Gravatar and you can change back later. Also, don't fret if Gravatar asks you for a nickname. You'll get that message if you haven't logged in since they added a nickname field to registration. Just think of a name -- it won't affect the name that appears as part of your PA System registration.

    It appears that a reasonable approach on the part of the copyright lobby is not on the cards.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Away for the Weekend,

    Possibly the most unpleasant comment from pages and pages of Your Views:

    **peejaytoo (Auckland)**

    Taggers are like possums. They sleep by day, come out at night and cause mass destruction.

    There is a bounty on possums.

    Emery should be paid his bounty, not ostracised and thrown in jail.

    Far out.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Away for the Weekend,

    Hi folks. Foo Camp was great, Emma Hart makes a dangerous werewolf, and the results of the International Crime Victims Survey are a little more complex than Kevin suggests.

    I had a look at the last survey:

    For the basket of the 10 common crimes New Zealand does indeed fare worse in a group of 30 countries than only Ireland and England and Wales. Our rating is principally hurt by theft from cars and burglary. Spain and Portugal are at the other end of the scale, which might surprise anyone who's been pickpocketed on holiday.

    Interestingly, the others with us in the group of 10 countries with the highest rates include both very affluent countries such as Switzerland, Ireland and Iceland and less affluent countries such as Estonia and Mexico.

    But, along with the rest of the world, our experience of most of these crimes continues to fall. (One year-prevalence rates for car theft have fallen from 2.7% in 1991 to 1.8%, for example.) It has fallen faster in some other places, and the authors speculate that "improved security may well have been one of the main forces behind the universal drop in crimes such as joyriding and household burglary."

    The more recent rise in victimisation in the less common crimes of robbery and assault has been mirrored -- and exceeded in quite a few other countries in the sample. Notable exceptions include the USA (which nonetheless still has a horrible record on gun crime, and much the highest rate for the use of weapons in sexual assaults). In general, these crimes fall more heavily on urban populations. The wildly varying rates reported in one place, Northern Ireland -- 0.5% (1995), 0.1% (1999) and 1.1% (04-05) -- suggests that this kind of survey has some real problems.

    Indeed, the authors emphasise that the section on sexual assaults needs to be approached very carefully, taking account widely varying cultural perceptions of what constitutes an assault. We surely don't believe, for example, that the incidence in of sexual assault in the past five years in Mexico has really been zero. But, even as the likelihood of the reporting of assault, especially in a domestic setting, has risen, the victimisation rate for sexual assault in New Zealand has halved since 1991.

    There is some unalloyed good news on the measures most directly impacted by policy and resourcing -- satisfaction with police performance (which combines reporting rates, public satisfaction with police, and police performance in dealing with reported crimes) and provision of victim support -- where New Zealand is stellar.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    I think paul was just making a point, although maybe he wants people to donate to them for downloading it from that site, probably would have helped if he directed them to a site where they could do that but he may not be that net savvy. he didn't see the other bats albums up there yet.

    Paul's a top geezer and I can completely understand he'd be annoyed, but I think there are two approaches you can take to this:

    1. Be relaxed about fans trading out-of-print stuff and hope that they'll also buy your new stuff.

    2. Find ways to make that old stuff available. Even a PayPal honesty box would probably work quite well.

    Again, if Warners wasn't sitting on that Nun back-catalogue, I can think of wonderful things that could be done with it. There have been attempts to buy back the catalogue, but they never came to fruition. I'd borrow against my house to be part of that if the chance came up.

    And then, of course, I would instantly become a copyright fascist and start putting Public Address readers in jail ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    yes he does say contact him and he'll do that but there's the full recently released toy love set up there, and recent chris knox, david kilgours recent albums,

    Well, that's bullshit. I'm presuming all the above are available online, so there's no excuse.

    from the comments on the bats 4 songs ep

    Fair enough in principle, but that EP doesn't actually seem to be for sale anywhere, so it's hard to see how they could receive payment for it.

    eMusic has Daddys Highway only, presumably because that's the one that was licensed to Rough Trade, so Warners can't get in the way.

    The iTunes Store has five albums and the Spill the Beans EP, which isn't bad at all. And I'm delighted to see The Terminals' Last Days of the Sun finally there too.

    Confession: I did actually download the Terminals album via BitTorrent because I couldn't find a legitimate download anywhere and Real Groovy never had it in stock. I have just bought it via iTunes.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    so I finally got to see the show when it got put up for podcast download. I don't know why Russell wouldn't illuminate his comment more. I can only assume it was a sly attempt to drive viewers to the show by not answering my question on the above.

    I honestly wasn't "attempting" to do anything, and I didn't understand why you took offence. I just thought that anyone who'd been following the story would have been aware of the war of words between the respective parties.

    ie Thou shalt not speed is the law. People sill do it, red light cameras and strategically placed cops is how its implemented.
    If you know these things then some people can still speed in places around the hot spot areas.
    If you get snapped on a camera and can't prove it wasn't you at the wheel, you're guilty upon accusation. burden of proof is on you to disprove the circumstantial evidence. simply saying it wasn't me without illustrating and proving why it wasn't you isn't enough.

    Yes, but people die as a result of dangerous driving. That's not the case with copyright infringement. And, of course, you get the chance to have your case heard in court if you wish.

    same with parking fines. "Not me" won't get you off it if its your car. a long letter of bullshit might.

    Again, if you really wish you can tae a parking fine to court. Not the case with Section 92A, and that's what people object to.

    Only one notice a month and you get three so that's 3 months of hassle free downloads from first notice only if they catch you doing something wrong. I can get a lot of pirating done in that time and once I'm done with it on one isp can I just move to the next?

    It's actually starting to look like you might be able to just sign up again with the same ISP. Which means quite a lot of palaver for little result.

    I liked Bronwyn's idea of a disputes tribunal-style copyright court. It seemed worth investigating.

    Take own notices for websites like this?
    Fans who show their love in mildly offensive ways which freely allows people to take stuff that they can get from predominantly indie musicians (most of the Bats catalogue, terminals and renderers who I know are not pleased with their stuff being just taken when they've gone to the bother of making recordings available legitimately)?

    MP3 blogs that offer whole albums are not generally a good thing. On the other hand, when the recording is years (even decades) out of print and there is no immediate prospect of re-release, it doesn't seem quite so bad. The fans commenting seem sincere in their love for the music.

    I'm more pissed off with Warners for sitting on the Flying Nun catalogue because they can't be bothered doing anything with it. That music should be out there -- it should be prominently featured on eMusic, and it's a scandal that it isn't.

    But the solution with that guy is clearly to just ask him to take it down, as per his offer on the page.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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