Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Only in a relative sense,

    If you want a really nice and really cheap bottle, try the cleanskins they have in Foodtown. There are usually 3 different S.b styles, Hawkes Bay, Marlborough and reserve Marlborough.

    Woolworths has also had a few surplus wines with invented labels you've never heard of before -- including a really cracking $8.99 sauv blanc. But I fear I've said too much already ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only in a relative sense,

    For those who like such pastimes, I did actually attempt to discuss the Iraq elections in good faith on Kiwiblog this morning.

    And then: Redbaiter ...


    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only in a relative sense,

    On this point, it is possible that there may have been a small air amount of additional air get into Russell's bottle, in which case it could appear a further couple of year's older, in which case it would definitely be nasty and asparagusy.

    Interesting. As I said in the comment above, it was amazingly, unpleasantly pungent.

    I'm happy to take a punt on bin ends -- they're often a real bargain, and a good shop will always take back a bad one. But this isn't a good shop ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Only in a relative sense,

    Can you claim it's been corked if it's a screw-top bottle? Just curious, really.

    Nah, it wasn't corked -- it was a screw cap.

    But I was actually slightly pleased to detect such a powerful example of the asparagus smell, which is what you get when sav blanc goes off. Until, of course, my plan to go back into the shop and politely explain the problem didn't work out ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's good, but I still…,

    The one thing that annoys me about Nadal , he is always picking his undies out of his bottom when he serves.

    Quite. Can't Nike make him some pants that don't get up his crack?

    Although I, for one, am glad to see the back of the muscle shirts.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: He's good, but I still…,

    We should be grateful. For so long the best player in the world was Sampras, who I could hardly bear to look at.

    I like Nadal too, but I really thought Federer would step up here. He certainly had enough game -- he just failed to take his opportunities. How many break points did he not convert?

    Ah well. It was worth staying up late to see the cricket, where despite the cheating Aussie keeper and an unbelievably bad LBW decision on the second ball of the innings, the New Zealanders were able to take the Aussies' slump to a new low.

    The commentators were on their usual form. Was it Healey who said something like "when you've got a bowling attack like Daniel Vettori has, you've got to play to a plan"? Translation: what a bunch of plodders.

    They didn't seem to grasp that New Zealand has two bowlers in the top five of the one-day rankings, including the best one-day bowler in the world, Daniel Vettori. (The other is Mills at No.5) Dicks.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    i was greatly disappointed to see Mr Brown in what would appear be such a rampantly posturing mode, pumping out his 'Mr President' beats in downtown Awks

    But did my ride look phat?

    and asserting 'wow, it would have been so good to be there!'(owtte) My first thought was golly, would he be that keen if he was in Wash DC and watching Tube vid of bogans wildly chanting and bellowing the same mindboggling stale decades-old mantras ('muthaf**kin N*ggas &c &c &c) whilst charging about like confuse buffalo in a stampede?

    Actually now you ask, I watched Pendulum from the stand at the Big Day Out. They were great!

    Would he ache to be there in the bogan pit as they 'celebrated' the election of a bogan prime minister?

    But what are you saying? That I'm prejudiced against bogans? Mate, the day that Ewen Gilmour takes office, the bogans can party as hard as they like. Shihad will fuckin' rock at the after-party, too.

    And I watch Outrageous Fortune , don't I? Although I confess, having had a sneak look at Go Girls , I'm thinking of changing my vicarious cultural identification to "North Shore twentysomething".

    What, most broadly speaking, would you say is the difference there, Mr Brown? Abd can we please get a little beyond 'wingnuts vs. moonbats' for a while at least? Yrs a tad snootily no doubt

    A bit weirdly , I thought, but hey ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    Philanthropy is entirely admirable, and I'm quite happy to give Simmons or Elizabeth Murdoch and her son or anyone else credit where it's due. But that doesn't mean you can't find the places where that money comes from rather distasteful. Whether it's misogynistic and homophobic rap lyrics, or misogynist and homophobic moonbats in The Sunor on Fox News.

    Or The Simpsons ?

    But your contention wasn't that we should find bad stuff distasteful, it was that President Obama should vilify Simmons in the same breath as he does Wall Street bandits who pocketed billions of dollars as they destroyed share values.

    Even though Simmons himself has been prepared to lose friends in his industry by calling for an end to the use of words like "bitch" and "ho" in rap music.

    And even though he's campaigned urging young Americans to vote, led or served on boards of a range of social development non-profits, and turned peforrmance poetry into mainstream entertainment.

    The contention that it's somehow Obama's job to damn Simmons for the content of some hip hop is without merit, IMHO.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    This just in: andin is a HUGE Twisted Sister fan! Sorry man. Didn't mean to harsh on anyone's love for The Snider.

    I met The Snider! Musta bin 1985. Lovely man. Seriously.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Island Life: Vendor says sell!,

    For want of anywhere else to post this: Brian Gaynor's utterly damning assessment of Nathan's Finance:

    The $3.7 million of related party loans on the asset side of the balance sheet appears to comprise loans to Sally Hotchin and Joanne Doolan, wives of the directors. Some of these were capitalised interest loans.

    It beggars belief that a public issuer which promotes its "robust credit assessment process and strong level of corporate governance" has 97 per cent of its loans to related parties and, when it goes bust, very little of these loans are secured against real assets or are recoverable.

    It appears these people never had the first intention of handling in good faith the money people invested with them.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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