Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    However, the issue is governance, not whether Thomson knew how much it costs to upgrade your firewall or whatever.

    The thing is, it required the kind of expert audit that you'd expect your CIO to actually conduct. The fact that software upgrades hadn't been conducted as billed was discovered when Dunedin Hospital servers broke and some independent software engineers came in and they discovered that the software hadn't been upgraded as specified.

    Even then, it doesn't seem to have been immediately evident what the extent of the crime was -- Swann was dismissed for "gross mismanagement" in the first instance, but Thomson also took it to the police.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    I can't see a reason to slander Thomson with being of "dubious judgement or competence" and you haven't provided one. Whatever. I think I'm with Steve in feeling that I've said my piece.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    I haven't heard any snarky gossip from anyone who went along on the trip about McCully's behavior - do you have inside gossip?

    No, no, no. I was referring to his apparently reluctant role as a minister when asked to comment on the Gaza assault. It got slightly farcical.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    A corrupt douchebag called Ted Stevens only missed out on re-election to the US Senate by less than one point -- despite being convicted a week before the electionon seven counts of failing to report gifts received from VECO Corporation and its CEO Bill Allen on his Senate financial disclosure forms.

    Is it false equivalence time already?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    Here's my "ideology": Accountability and transparency aren't just for the people who can't afford slick lawyers and PR flacks. When you're in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars of public money, it's just not acceptable to pass the buck when things go bad.

    I still don't understand. How is Thomson "passing the buck"? In what sense is taking a fraud to the police an abdication of transparency?

    It just doesn't make any sense to dump Thomson in the circumstances.

    And if you're going to do it, the least you owe the people who elected Thomson to the board (we was elected as a board member then appointed as chair) is an honest, public account of your reasons for doing so. Just saying "accountability" a lot and then refusing interviews doesn't do it.

    And trying to get the guy to resign on the QT so you can get your accountability trophy is just lamentable behaviour. I admire your party loyalty Craig, but this episode has been bullshit. It's much more about Ryall marketing himself than it is about governance.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    You're right that Thomson has "no obligation to roll over to give his minister a trophy". But he certainly has one hell of an obligation to the people of the Otago district, and the taxpayers who keep the show on the road, to do a little better than play pass the ticking parcel.

    In what sense is he passing the buck by taking the fraud to the police? The ODT has gone to every board member for comment on this, and what they have to say is worth reading. They're basically shocked by what Ryall has done.

    Worse after making his mess, Ryall has gone to ground and is refusing interviews (the Prime Minister is also refusing comment). If David Cunliffe had behaved even remotely like this, they'd be baying for blood over on Kiwiblog.

    It is pathetic.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Trophy Hunter,

    Similarly with motherfucker, and it's so obvious from the context it just makes Fox look incredibly stupid to be bringing it up in such Po-faced earnest.

    I think they were up in arms about the "no more white lies" line (which is actually Jay Z's bit) -- but, of course, when you hear that in context, it comes in the middle of a stretch of clever wordplay around the idea of colours.

    Here's Bill O'Reilly having his turn on it:

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Joggers in Saigon,

    I visited Saigon in 07 with Mitchell Pham, who left the country as a child refugee but now spends much of his time there on business. He was genuinely shocked to see a fat teenager at a shopping mall -- or any fat Vietnamese at all, for that matter.

    The local food is quite healthy. But dairy products are now entering the diet: hence, the opportunity to get fat.

    Thanks Fonterra!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Hey, no gang signs,

    Or Boris Becker at 17, limbs splayed akimbo with sheer joy. Although that is getting a bit Mills and Boon-y.

    Oh, it's all grist to the mill at emergent slash-fic site Public Address ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Hey, no gang signs,

    I've been doing some serious youtubage for Bumble clips - tomorrow's Links on Friday on my site will be a special tribute.

    Post it here when ya got it.

    I don't really grasp the concept of "linkwhoring" ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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