Posts by Danielle
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Fluoro-blue kaftans for everyone!
I'm sorry, that won't do: as a card-carrying member of the pro-tranny brigade, I was promised something by Trelise Cooper.
Translation: 'how dare you legally impel people not to be total assholes to each other?'
we're not growing out of that ?
Being better to underprivileged groups doesn't just naturally happen because privileged people decide to be magnanimous. It takes activism on the part of the underprivileged people, sometimes for centuries. It's not like LBJ suddenly had an evolutionary brainwave in 1964 and passed the Civil Rights Act. 'O HAI: YOU CAN HAZ RIGHTS NOW.'
Jesus Christ, I just read this. And that is *totally annoying*.
Look, you're the one who called bisexuals insatiable, decided that bisexuality was on a slippery slope to fucking your dog, and told gay people they could 'override' their sexuality. Anyone mocking you for that sort of bollocks is well within their rights. You think you're saying anything they haven't heard a billion times before? Everyone's had to put up with these arguments for decades. They're not provocative, they're not interesting, they're just reactionary crap. It's boring.
the pro trannie brigade
Please tell me there are cool uniforms.
I think my head is going to explode.
Arguing about feminism is inherently more difficult for men.
Yes and no. There's an obvious difference between arguing in informed good faith about some theory or point, and coming into a discussion and being either all 'Andrea Dworkin, so therefore you suck!' or 'what about teh menz?' It's pretty easy to tell who's coming from a good place and who isn't.
Treating men as the evil overlord Borg is just as wrong as assuming all women love pink and secretly want babies.
Is Patrick Stewart involved? Because that might be kind of hot.
I often wonder if there's a policy in place to hire women columnists who are either crazy-in-the-coconut extremists or completely vapid morons. Then it makes discounting women's opinions that much easier. I know that most Arguments About Feminism on the Internet end up with some dude trotting out an extremist viewpoint and saying 'this means feminism is wrong about everything and I never have to take any notice of it again!' Sigh. Or perhaps most opinion columnists, regardless of gender, are idiots. My mental jury is still out on this.
Theoretical note: I assume the weirdo extreme line of reasoning behind the gross transsexual bigotry goes something like this: if *all* gender is socially constructed rather than biologically determined, transsexual people are therefore full of crap and cannot possibly be trapped in the wrong body, because there is no such thing. They're just messing with us by reconstructing their own gender for some sort of nefarious purpose. Which... yeah, crackers. And horrible.
they can just move on to the next thing with legs that breathes
I just re-enacted the moments watching Avatar where I covered my face with my hands and quietly whispered 'oh nooooooooooooo...'