Posts by Danielle
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the ones where she trashes transsexuals
Oh, isn't she awful? I have skimmed some things and been horrified.
I say there's no such thing as a quota for gender and sexuality discussions (but of course, I *would* say that, wouldn't I?). Publish away!
they also sound fantastic
Heh. This is where I do my 'honestly, I can't really hear the qualitative difference between a 192 mp3, a FLAC and an LP' thing, and all the audiophile nerds look at me in abject horror. Sorry guys. :)
*alphabetically by artist, since you ask. And although I briefly considered sub-alphabetising by album title, and cross-referencing solo albums back to the parent group, I didn't. Because that would be sad.
ETA: the other day I alphabetised all our DVDs and became weirdly concerned with how to file the music/concert ones. Finally I decided that films and TV series should go by their title, while music DVDs should go by artist name. Which is inconsistent but makes sense, yes? You don't want to be looking for I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, you want to look for Wilco. Or perhaps I am delusional.
cheap party drugs
As opposed to seventy dollars...
guilty of still buying cds
We bought the Beatles box sets, but I think that's pretty much the end of our physical purchases of music. Our household summer holiday project has been ripping every CD we own to a hard drive/media server, and then storing the whole music collection in boxes in the garden shed along with the weedeater. All CDs do is collect dust, and I have plenty of vintage china which does that already. My turnaround on this issue is a 180 since the advent of the mp3: I think my 1994 self would be quite horrified by my 2009 self. Simplify! Simplify!
Couldn't we just stick to fiction?.... the saddest part is not that we choose "real life", but that we choose to enshrine its stupidest, crassest, most debased stories...
Where do you think inspiration for fiction comes from, if not 'real life'? *People* are stupid, crass and debased (as well as intelligent, noble and uplifting, at least sometimes).
As Russell said, this sort of thing isn't at all new. Mass media has enabled us all to gossip uncharitably on an unprecedented scale since the twentieth century - but in the early modern period we gossiped via woodcut and pamphlet. Before the printing press we gossiped from village to village. Famous people doing nutty things are *interesting*. I can't work out what's so ennobling about Random People in New Zealand Bravely Making a Stand to Ignore the Tiger Woods Story. It's like the 'oh, I never watch television because it is EVIL!' folk: my response to that is kind of nonplussed as well. Bully for you, I guess?
(And here endeth Danielle's Lengthy Self-Justification For Reading Online Gossip Columns. :) )
ETA: Oh, also: Caleb speaks truth.
Morals, schmorals: I am feeding the machine because I love the story on a purely 'ohnohedidn't' level. Like, how did he *manage* all that? It must have been so tiring. I read that Uchitel apparently got paid a $15,000 monthly retainer just to corral a bevy of willing women on demand, and this is a common thing in the world of celebrity/sports superstars? Wacky. Our society is... really weird.
contemptible in its gossipy glee
I already know that I suck in fundamental ways, but I laughed for a very long time at the YouTube slow jam someone made from the 'take your name off your phone' voicemail.
You would never see a British miniseries about government/corporate nuclear misdeeds.
Edge of Darkness still kind of freaks my Cold-War-raised ass the hell out. What a great series.
There are no more festivals in my future for the moment, which is rather a bummer. I would love to see the 3Ds again.
I have a feeling about Kora
Is that feeling 'meh'? Because that was my feeling seeing them at WOMAD a couple of years ago. :)
Is that Jeff Mangum aka Neutral Milk Hotel?
Yep. Have to admit I don't really know his/their stuff, but a lot of people rave about him ...I still think In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is really, really amazing. Warning: weird lyrics like 'semen stains the mountaintops' often pop into my head and are not things you can sing comfortably in public.
..and, dare I say, I am looking forward to Al Green at the Civic on Jan 21 more than any of that...
Geoff, seriously. Oh. Em. Gee. I am so excited about Al Green I can't even handle it. (And high expectations are often a guarantee of disappointment, so I probably need to dial it down a notch.)
Soul nerd note: Willie Mitchell, Al's producer for those classic 70s albums on Hi Records, died yesterday. Here's another one of his amazing arrangement/production jobs, Ann Peebles' 'I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down'. Swoon.
Is it such a terrible thing to report on data that suggests that the problem is far from limited to males? Because you're very definitely coming across that way.
It's not the reporting. It's how we're reporting. (Hrm, why does that sound so familiar?)
Also: you're very definitely not reading what I'm writing if you think that's what I'm saying.
The implication is that you'll take offence at anything that's not impartial in its treatment of the genders
Oh, that's the implication, is it? Rad.
Let me re-explain. For the nine hundredth time. Discussing the ways in which young women are drinking more than they used to drink is not the same as noting a particularly gendered way of reporting on women drinking. One can, in fact, agree that specifically female binge drinking is a problem (I'm sure it is) while disagreeing with the ways in which that binge drinking is framed by media reports (I think I do, in many cases). These are *two different issues*. You're arguing with me about the first, which was never even in dispute, and I'm talking about the second.
heh...been drunking have we ?
Dude, I *wish* I could blame my general incoherence on being intoxicated. I haven't had the merest whiff of alcohol since a pina colada last July in Rarotonga (after which I suddenly thought 'hey, hang on: there might be a particular reason I've been feeling vaguely nauseous every night of this holiday...')
dismissed as moral panic
ARGH: we are not 'dismissing' binge drinking among young people, in general, as 'moral panic'. We were just noting moral-panic-ism in media *reporting* of young *women* drinking. Which is why I said that this putative moral panic was possibly going to be 'gendered'.
I am obviously not explaining my point very well, or something.