Posts by Danielle
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Is it actually that impossible for anything that makes women look bad to be an objective statement?
Oh lord. Is that a serious question?
The tone I've taken from posts in here is "How dare they report that young women are displaying drinking behaviour that's worse than that of young men."
You might want to recalibrate your Tone-ometer 5000, because that isn't what anyone was saying.
if by moral you mean a responsibility to other people in society not to squander precious resources on binge drinking, then yes, moral
Yeah, I'm sure you're right about all that, but I'm not talking about the actual costs of female drinking to the health system. I'm using the term 'moral panic' to describe the ways in which this story might continue to be reported in various media. Like I said, we're only at the beginning of the discussion and it might all peter out, but I have this condition called Extra-Sensitive Ear...
Are we in a society where the victim is held solely responsible for their actions?
In the case of the Lisa ad, the victim was held responsible for *someone else's* actions. (No, I'm totally not still incredibly bitter and ranty about that ad, why do you ask?)
ETA: Also, I'm quite interested in the ongoing reporting of this 'OMG drunken laydeez' story. I'm sure there were indeed more drunk women out there on NYE, but I have a sensitive wee ear out for the beginnings of a gendered moral panic...
Cameron arguing that It's about storytelling
Storytelling. I assume he means the startling originality of retreading a 'going native' plot, but using big blue aliens?
(Huh. I appear to be more down on this movie than I had anticipated. Maybe someone needs to swoop down on a big orange dragon with a giant machine gun and teach me a lesson or two.)
Instead, we dwell on the high spots.
It would be pretty rad if they could also dwell on the low spots. You know, showing all sides of the issue and whatnot.
No, no, no, the risk of repeating myself (which I'm doing) , it's not a new decade. Not yet.
Yeah, we all know that we started numbering from one, so all the zero years are technically at the ends of decades, not at the beginnings. It's just that, fundamentally... we don't care. :)
the whole cosmic semen thing
I feel like this phrase needs to be more widely, uh, disseminated.
I just read I/S's post about Brian Neeson and am sad and sort of flummoxed. Why go out of your way to appoint someone who will be a bigoted douche... unless you actually believe that bigoted douchery is The Way Forward? Which: ewww.
(I don't have a hangover, more's the pity.)
I don't think I ever apologized to you Danielle, for that time I got really grumpy at you. So, I apologize, belatedly.
No problemo! (Although: I don't remember you being particularly grumpy at me. I blame the demon weed. My brain is full of holes.)
I might not have ended up having a rather scary internal dialogue that came this close to becoming an internal knife fight.
And just because I can't remember where the original Avatar thread was, and I saw it yesterday, let me note here that I don't think a good film should contain more than one scene where I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment and gently whisper 'oh no oh no oh no'. That man shouldn't be allowed to write things. Things like dialogue, and plots.
It was really cool-looking, though. Which I suppose is the point.
Ow, Danielle, please don't say thats recent.
No, two years ago. It was pretty high on the Not Fun scale.