Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: The Flashing Question Mark,

    Is a flashing question mark the user friendly Mac equivalent a Blue Screen Of Death? Or of the noted Yugoslavian, Kernel Panic?

    It comes up when your Mac can't find a system to boot with.

    Most kids have a naturally well developed sense of ickiness anyway and are fully aware of the presence of wierdos. Worst case, she'll become an emo.

    Agreed. And the likely perils aren't amenable to a technical solution anyway. Are you gonna block her out of Bebo?

    I think talking to her (and Mum and Dad) about being risk-aware, stuff not to do, etc, is going to be more effective than any kind of net-nanny software. They can always insist that the laptop lives in the family room, not her bedroom if they want to keep an eye on things.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,

    Well the simple answer to being insulted would be your ratings.

    I don't know but Simon Pound said on Nat Radio your show doesn't rate.

    It's not even in the ratings as far as I know. But it does really well on ondemand, which is pleasing.

    Again, when does the inbedded reporter know when they're being bribed?

    Once the right conditions are set, conspiracy is not required. (Fave movie Seven Crosses sets this out pretty well.)

    The problem being that it's not a movie thriller, it's a real life where people work at stuff, get better at it, meet other people, put in proposals and one day get their ideas to air.

    I don't think it unreasonable to question these things, as I did with the seemingly extortionate practise of Damien Christies repeated bad news then got a big prize story.

    And Damian was actually quite unnerved by your reaction here. He used his blog to call out Air NZ on their hopeless customer service, and when they finally got in touch with him looking to make amends, he got a couple of tickets to give to one of his readers who told the best customer service story (I gather the winner was bloody stoked about it). It was exactly what it looked like, and I think it was a clever and generous thing of Damian to do (although it was also funny when people took the piss out of him). I thought your construction on it was very OTT.

    As this is prob my last time here let me wish you all, Russel, and your family well in the future.

    I did say I'd ban you if you made this silly allegation again, and I'd wouldn't enjoy that, so thank you. Look, feel free to come back after a while. Just try and think of us as real people when you do.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,

    I wish Stuff would get another photo of Ralston. It is not pleasant seeing a man putting on his eyebrows.

    Still, a good post.

    It is. It makes a strong, clear point.

    A few of the usual wingnuts have pitched in on comments with the view that it's a jolly good thing that the police should be keeping a surveilling eye on the Green Party et al. They really would be the first to sign up for a fascist state, those people ...

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Public Address Word of the Year 2008,

    Okay folks, here's a finalists' list. I'll pass it on to Hadyn, who has kindly created a groovy little voting thing in Google Docs and hopefully have voting going by tomorrow:

    So, the list. Thoughts? Bear in mind that I'm probably looking to take words out than add them at this stage ...

    "Credit crunch"
    "Going forward"
    "Labour Plus"
    "Labour Light"
    "Nanny state"
    "Hockey mom"
    "Yes we can"

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,


    When does complanency become a complicit act?

    And when does your "hyperbole" progress beyond mere idleness and become really, really offensive?

    Russell, you have mused here in the past that you don't have the face for TV (few of us do) and yet you have gained a show on a govt funded station with little TV time yourself and a station with little appeal in general.

    You appear to be seriously suggesting that my fairly mainstream blogging view on the police raids and the activities of those arrested -- which was hardly laudatory of either side -- and my willingness to host discussions in which a wide range of views on the issue were expressed ... was somehow rewarded with the commissioning of a low-budget TV show on a minor digital channel.

    This being, by necessity, a conspiracy that would have involved dozens of people, including the programme commissioners and the independent production company that makes the programme.

    Do you realise how fucking stupid that is?

    Is it not vastly more likely that, having been banging away at this sort f thing since you were in short pants, I worked with an independent producer to put together a programme proposal that fit the frame for TVNZ 7 -- based on experience I developed in hosting NatRad's Mediawatch and staging and presenting a series of live Great Blend events?

    Can you see why, having worked really hard at doing my own thing for years, I would find your imaginings actually very insulting?

    And don't you think you've got a bit of a nerve asserting that the police have baselessly smeared those arrested when you're prepared to just make up this sort of shit about me? Would you like to think about that a little?

    I won't bother requesting an apology (although you're free to offer one if you come to your senses) but I actually don't have to tolerate that sort of disrespect from someone not even posting under their real name. If you try and come again with this bullshit, I will ban you.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,

    It would be messy, though, and I can't see the Police pursuing it with any real vigour unless he complains loudly, and then goes public when they do a half-arse job and don't really push the matter.

    And given his recent mea culpa, I doubt Gilchrist would want to go that way either.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    I wonder if Public Address is a haven of PA test lovers?

    That would be interesting. Anyone else?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    The odd thing was - well, I think its odd - I got a really high score in maths in those PAT tests they used to give at the start of the year in around Std 4-Form 2.

    I used to love doing those tests. That sounds show-offy but its not - the idea of doing well or not doing well never entered my head. They were just fun. A lot of time, the most stimulating thing all year.

    I liked them a lot too. Not least, because I felt good at them, but also because they were tests you didn't and couldn't prepare for, which were my kind of tests. I picked the multi-choice options in School C too.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,

    Mr Brown please don't assume that I would do a "once more over the top boys" for that Grand old Tory lady that is the Herald or her editorial writers. She is like a slightly batty maiden aunt, mostly sensible but not always.

    It's a bit like your aunt discovered P two years ago though ...

    Armstrong is compulsory reading

    Audrey Young is still the sharpest, but yes, I'll always read Armstrong.

    as is O'Sullivan.

    Peerless when she's been working the phones with her establishment sources, sometimes awful when she's like, read stuff off the internet.

    Ralston is amusing you're being far too tough.

    He can certainly have his moments on some topics, but on politics and economics he's been dreadful, and not witty at all. Still: better than Jim Hopkins.

    That broken down old Rad Rudman can occasionally amuse.

    I did a count: the Herald writer who most used the word "bureaucrat" -- by miles -- was Rudman. But on his beat, it's probably a word that fits the purpose ...

    And at least Orsman consistantly dislikes everyone. Roughan can on a rare occasion really shine but only rarely.

    I'll always like him because he writes with real heart, but I reckon Roughan has intellectual crises. He goes off down blind alleys, can't justify what he's feeling and starts qualifying his arguments in ways that make you wonder why he wrote them in the first place.

    Tapu Misa is bloody good this week.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Cracker: Sole Man,

    Bush seems kinda likeable in his comments after the shoe-throwing.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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