Posts by Sacha
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They will have to be clever
Agreed. Very clever.
So you all support copyright- but only if it's unenforced! Yeah?
No, Rob. Go and read the rest of the thread. Is it something in the water or the name?
Rob, yes I am aware of the research limitations but we have been exhorted to find some evidence - and frankly there's stuff all to back up the claims from the middlemen whose position has been eroded by technological change. It seems intuitively obvious if you adopt a zero sum approach that unpaid downloads must reduce paid sales, but I believe we have seen recent figures showing total sales have increased haven't we? And that's without the other revenue streams like licensing that Simon talked about.
I read those Norwegian figures as showing in a very small way a correlation between levels of unpaid and paid consumption of recorded music, by age. That the research wasn't primarily set up to focus on downloading/purchasing behaviour reassures me actually. Sure it is not enough to establish a solid case, but it is evidence that the market may not work in the way that the record industry who see their cushy ticket-clipping disappearing want us to believe it does.
I've never advocated a solution that dismantles copyright - check back to page one of this thread of you like. I want creators to succeed, but that does require more than locking the stable door long after people have started using jet planes. And I would prefer it if creators and consumers were in the driving seat, thanks.
Rose-tinted analysis from Ralston, who may be remembering which side his toast is buttered on. The Nats have nothing to lose, he claims:
Some who voted Labour might now feel that National has not turned out to be as bad as they expected and either withhold their vote or actively support the Government candidate.
Others may decide Labour has not performed well since the election and, instead, vote for the feistier Norman.
The only thing working in Labour's favour is that by June the recession may have bitten harder, unemployment may have risen and Labour's support might turn out because of fear.
May have? And he thinks the true face of Nact shown in the regional restructuring process won't affect whether voters "feel that National has not turned out to be as bad as they expected"? He does concede that "National's pull back from the Waterview tunnel project will not help it." I guess we'll find out in June.
Good metastory, thanks Sofie. And no one will be charged over the reported falsification of court evidence, it seems.
surely the people who feel no moral obligation to contribute to the costs of the music they enjoy need to be convinced it is in their own interest to pay a fair price for the music they enjoy listening to
Stephen, read the quote I posted above from the research - people do already make that connection. Convincing them is not the issue.
Nothing like impending loss of voice to focus folks on what that actually means to them. Be great to have good media input about that, but unsurprised if not.
What Craig said, to a large extent. The people making these decisions are sincere in their beliefs, including how it is right to conduct the process. I would however caution that those beliefs are not necessarily what we hear from them through public channels.
Sex toy enterprise, Mark.
Long as they're not bronze ones..
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